Starbucks 2012 Planner and Collection

I have never been addicted to Starbucks and their stickers!

I never ordered Mocha Frapp , Coffee Jelly in Grande nor Venti!

I never ate the sausages and other sandwiches .

For I learned my lesson the hard way when my thesis group and I had palpitations burning the midnight oil.

But just this year, sometimes to diffuse, my four boys and I would share the chocolate and mango cake. Or they would have each of their choco Doughnuts.

Until,the Peppermint Brownie arrived!

Now I am addicted to the 2 honey that goes with my Grande Mint Tea. And I am lucky to have free drinks after doing surveys at because I have been "chosen" to do the Customer Voice Survey. Good karma!

But still, I am searching for that BLACK grande mug with a half Starbs logo! I bought one and the next day , ka poof! gone in all branches. You know why? IT'S BLACK!

But I still remain a no-sticker collector for the planner. Even if it's Bamboo! Maybe because I have a friend who supplies it! Friends!!!

Here it is.


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