New drug in Schools...
know about this killer drug.
This is a new drug known as 'strawberry quick '.
There is a very scary thing going on in the schools right now that we all
need to b e a ware of.
There is a type of crystal meth going around that looks like strawberry
pop rocks (the candy that sizzles and 'pops' in your mouth). It also
smells like strawberry and it is being handed out to kids in school yards.
They are calling it strawberry meth or strawberry quick.
Kids are ingesting this thinking that it is candy and being rushed off to
the hospital in dire condition. It also comes in chocolate, peanut butter,
cola, cherry, grape and orange.
Please instruct your children not to accept candy from strangers and even
not to accept candy that looks like this from a friend (who may have been
given it and believed it is candy) and to take any that they may have to a
teacher, principal, etc. immediately.
Pass this email on to as many people as you can (even if they don't have
kids) so that we can raise awareness and hopefully prevent any tragedies
from occurring.
Lunar Baby Thermometer
Remember when your moms would come in your room and check up on you when you were sick? I do, and the very thing I would always look out for was when she would put here hand on my forehead. No medicine in the world could match that. When my mother does that I feel the fever leaving me that instant. Really!!!
That's the fondest memories of my childhood. Now that I’m a parent I’d like my kids to experience that same feeling. I’m sure it is also heavenly for them.
Parents today now have an option, via a concept design from Yanko Design called the Lunar Baby Thermometer.

The idea is based on a common and natural behavior of putting your hand on the forehead to measure internal heat of their body. Checking the temperature by scanning the forehead with this device is easier and faster, since it eliminates the need to insert an external tool while holding them in a still position. The intuitive shape of the device allows the user to easily understand how to hold and use the device. The organic and ergonomic shape provides a secure grasp in the users hand.
It’s real simple to use, as you can see all it takes is to place the device between two fingers. A beeping sound and a flashing red LED light will notify you when the reading is done.
Now I know there are other temperature measuring devices out that uses technology, just like the ones in doctors’ offices where it is inserted in-ear. That is a little expensive though. I’m sure the Lunar Baby Thermometer would be priced (if it ever makes it to the assembly line) for consumers well.
Whats for Breakfast?
A quick fix breakfast meal for your Kids
After a night’s sleep you need fuel—a good breakfast to prepare you for the day ahead. Foods high in carbohydrates, such as cereals and bread, are ideal breakfast foods because they are broken down into glucose which fuels your brain. Protein foods such as yogurt, milk, eggs, sausages, bacon, and beans are important, too. They control the growth and development of the body, and boost alertness. There are lots of tasty recipes in this section, but these ideas will get you started.
Boiled Egg

Half-fill a small saucepan with water. Gently lower an egg into the pan and bring the water to a boil. Boil the egg for 4 minutes, then remove it with a slotted spoon. Dip it in cold water and place it in an egg cup. Carefully slice the top off the egg and serve with toast.

Put 1 cup oats in a saucepan with 1⅓ cups milk and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring, for about 4 minutes or until creamy
Cooked Breakfast

Treat yourself to a cooked breakfast once in a while, but grill instead of fry it. Use lean meat or vegetarian sausages and add grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, whole wheat toast, and scrambled eggs for a balanced breakfast and smooth.
Poached Egg

Fill a pan with water (about 2in/5cm deep) and bring it to a simmer. Crack an egg into a cup. Swirl the water in the pan and then gently pour the egg into the center of the pan. Cook for 3 minutes or until the white is set and the yolk is slightly runny. Scoop out using a slotted spoon and serve with whole wheat toast.
What is melamine?
Twice Chinese food and drugs have been found to contain melamine. First imported pet food containing melamine caused fatal renal failure in several thousand dogs and cats in the United States,
then baby formula containing melamine sickened over 53,000 Chinese infants and killed at least four. What is melamine, why is it in food made in China, and how can you protect yourself from it?
What is melamine?
Melamine is a versatile and common chemical used to create plastics, concrete, ink colorants, and fertilizer. Melamine is also useful in synthesizing medicine for African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, and was formerly used as a nitrogen supplement to dairy cows' diets. In these forms it is harmless, even beneficial.
On its own, melamine is essentially nontoxic. It is not a valuable additive to the human diet, but does not cause any harm. However, when combined with cyanuric acid—another essentially nontoxic food adulterant—melamine causes crystals to form in the urine, creating kidney stones that can lead to renal failure and death.
Why is it in food made in China?
Middlemen in the Chinese food industry are under pressure to produce enough food for an expanding market while keeping prices low. To stretch their food supply, unscrupulous middlement water down or thin out the food, then pour in additives to increase the apparent protein content of the food to acceptable levels. (The tests of protein content measure nitrogen levels, not protein.) One popular additive is melamine. Another, tragically, is cyanuric acid.
So far, Chinese-manufactured dairy products, wheat flour, wheat gluten, and rice protein have been found to contain melamine and cyanuric acid. Because both additives are common adulterants, it is unknown how many other Chinese-manufactured foods contain both melamine and cyanuric acid.
What are the symptoms of melamine poisoning?
Kidney stones are the sole symptom of melamine poisoning. The body can pass small kidney stones without difficulty, but large stones can become caught in the urinary tract. This causes severe pain, cramping, and difficulty in urinating. There may be blood in the urine, and the person may feel a burning sensation when they urinate. The person may also feel general symptoms of unwellness: nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.
If you have any of these symptoms, go to the doctor immediately! Kidney stones are relatively easy to treat, but they can lead to dangerous, even life-threatening, urinary tract infections and can damage or destroy the kidney.
How can I avoid ingesting melamine?
Throw out any food you own that was made in China before September 2008, and consider avoiding all Chinese food products until your country's board of food purity certifies Chinese imports as safe. The Chinese government claims that food purity controls are being tightened, but repeated incidents with a variety of food adulterants--and coverups by the Chinese government--suggest that the Chinese food supply currently cannot be trusted.
What should I do if I think I've ingested melamine?
Stop eating any foods that you suspect to be adulterated. If you believe you have been exposed for an extended period of time (say, several weeks), go to your doctor to be tested for kidney stones. If your exposure was shorter, don't worry! It takes several weeks, and sometimes as long as six months, for melamine-induced kidney stones to develop, so shorter exposure should not be a problem. Drink lots of water to flush the melamine from your system, and rest easy.
List of Milk Products Safe From Melamine
The Department of Health already released the partial list of milk products that are safe from melamine. From the 30 milk products they tested, only two are positive: Greenfood Yili Fresh Milk and Mengiu Drink.
The following is the partial list of milk products that are safe from melamine:
- Anchor Lite Milk
- Anlene High Calcium, Low Fat Milk
- Bear Brand Instant
- Chic Choc Milk Chocolate
- Farmland Skim Milk
- Jinwei Drink
- Jolly Cow Pure Fresh Milk
- Kiddie Soya Milk Egg Delight
- Lactogen 1 DHA Infant Formula
- M&M Milk Chocolate Candy
- M&M Peanut Chocolate Candy
- Milk Boy
- Nestagen 2 DHA Follow-up Formula
- Nestagen 3 DHA Follow-up Formula
- Nido 3 Plus Pre-bio with DHA
- Nido Full Cream Milk Powder
- Nido Junior
- No Sugar Chocolate of Isomalt 2 Oligosaccharide (cocoa butter substitute)
- Nutri Express Milk Drink
- Pura Fresh Milk
- Snickers (roasted in caramel nogut in thick milk Chocolate)
- Vitasoy Soya Milk Drink
- Wahaha Orange
- Wahaha Yellow
- Want Want Milk Drink
- Windmill Skim Milk Powder
- Yinlu Milk Peanut
- Yogi Yogurt Flavor Milk Drink
I’ll update this list once they release the full list.
Update: October 8, 2008, In a news conference, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said traces of melamine were found in Jolly Cow Slender High-Calcium Low-Fat Milk (“More Calcium and Vitamin D, 1 liter” variant) a product imported from China. Among many others, the melamine-free brands include:
- Anmum Maternal Milk Chocolate Powder
- Bear Brand Chocolate Powder
- Bear Brand Sterilized Milk
- Cadbury Choclairs
- Carnation Calcum Plus Non-fat Milk Poweder
- Klim Instant Full Cream Milk Powder
- Milo Chocolate Bar
- Mon-milk Breakfast Milk Beverage
- Monmilk Hi-calcuim Low-fat Milk
- Monmilk Milk Deluxe Pure Milk
- Nestlé Chocolate Flavored Ice Cream
- Nestlé Dairy Farm Pure Milk
- Nestlé Fresh Mlk
- Nestlé Kit Kat
- Nestlé Milk Chocolate
- Nestlé Pops Ice Cream
- Nestlé Vanilla Flavored Ice Cream
- Nestagen
- Nesvita Cereal Mik Drink
- Nutriexpress Milk Green Apple flavor
- Fine Roast Instant Nutritious Cereal
Update: October 13, 2008, Here’s another list of products tested safe from Melamine as released by BFAD.
- Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink (Mango Magic)
- Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink (Orange Chill)
- Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink (Strawberry Spin)
- Arla Full Cream Milk (repacked)
- Austria Milk Candies
- Candyman White Rabbit Butter Toffee Candy
- Cottage Milk Sweet Cream Butter Milk
- Crisp Bean Chocolate
- Crisp Chocolate Stone
- Dairy America Milk Powder (repacked)
- Dairy Kreem Skimmed Milk Powder
- Dong Guan Bairong Coconut Biscuits
- Farmland Milk Powder
- Kiddie Soya Milk Egg Delight
- La Crema (Puregold) Skimmed Milk Powder (original)
- La Crema (Puregold) Skimmed Milk Powder (regular)
- Magic Chew Grape Fruit Sharing
- Milk Drink in Red Can
- Oakland Skimmed Milk Power
- Showa Tempura Batter Mix
Melamine is an organic compound that is often combined with formaldehyde to produce melamine resin, a synthetic polymer which is fire resistant and heat tolerant. Melamine resin is a very versatile material with a highly stable structure. Uses for melamine include whiteboards, floor tiles, kitchenware, fire retardant fabrics, and commercial filters. Melamine can be easily molded while warm, but will set into a fixed form. This property makes it ideally suited to certain industrial applications.
Melamine resin is manufactured by mixing urea with formaldehyde under heat and pressure. The substances begin to polymerize and are forced into a mold which will create the desired shape. Under pressure, melamine releases water, which could make the plastic unstable if it is not removed. The materials finish polymerizing and create a finished product, melamine resin.
Melamine resin is known as a thermoset plastic, because the plastic is fixed after molding. If exposed to enough heat, melamine will melt. For this reason, melamine dishware should not be exposed to high temperatures like those in the oven and microwave. However, the plastic is able to withstand higher temperatures than other plastics. Because it is a thermoset plastic, melamine resin is difficult to recycle.
Melamine can be made into a foam product. Melamine foam has a distinctive structure composed of stacked bubble shapes, which are extremely hard and therefore can easily clean a wide variety of substances. Melamine foam is marketed under a variety of commercial names including Magic Eraser, a cleaning tool well known for removing scuffs and dirt from a wide range of surfaces.
Melamine resin is used in Formica and similar construction products made from composite materials. Formica is made using melamine resin, which is used to coat the fibers in the upper layer of the construction product. The melamine resin makes the end result heat resistant, so that hot objects can be set on the counter without concern. The surface of the material is designed to be easily wiped and cleaned, creating a long lived household product.
Melamine also plays a role in a wide range of flame resistant materials. These include textiles used in upholstery and the uniforms worn by firemen. Thermal liners, heat resistant gloves, and aprons to protect from splashback of hot substances are made using melamine. Melamine will protect a wearer from heat hazards, and will help to resist the spread of fire in aircraft and buses by providing a fire blocker.
Melamine is also used in the manufacture of some filters. The material is porous and will admit substances to pass through, but can be used to filter out particles of a particular size. Melamine filters are capable of handling a high capacity and can be used in hot environments due to the heat resistance of melamine. Melamine filters are also extremely efficient.
Aside from common commercial uses, melamine became a topic of much discussion in early 2007, when veterinary scientists determined it to be the cause of hundreds of pet deaths, because of pet food contamination. Prior to these reports, melamine had been regarded as non-toxic or minimally toxic. However, because of the unexplained presence of melamine in wheat gluten added to mass-produced dog and cat foods, it is the most likely cause. Pet owners report symptoms that are commonly associated with renal failure, which could be explained by the ammonia that may result from the digestion of the melamine.
PC Cheats: Tomb Raider - Legend
Tomb Raider: Legend
Game Description
Tomb Raider: Legend revives the athletic, intelligent and entertaining adventurer who won the hearts and minds of gamers worldwide. Lara comes alive with intricately animated expressions, moves and abilities. An arsenal of modern equipment, such as a magnetic grappling device, binoculars, frag grenades, personal lighting device and communications equipment, allows gamers to experience tomb raiding as never before.

Time Trial Shortcut
Do the last time trial in Bolivia against the final boss first. This lets you use the one-hit death cheat, which makes it so much easier to complete the rest of the game.
Cheats appear in the Specials menu and the buttons are respective to your version of the game. Cheats are unlocked when you clear the game or meet these criteria:

- Textureless Cheat ... Clear the game (any difficulty).
- Show enemy health ... Clear Bolivia under 12:30 in Time Trials.
- Infinite MG415 Ammo ... Clear Peru under 21:30 in Time Trials.
- Infinite RC650 Ammo ... Clear Japan under 12:15 in Time Trials.
- Infinite shotgun Ammo ... Clear Ghana under 20:00 in Time Trials.
- Infinite grenade launcher ... Clear Kazakhstan under 27:10 in Time Trials.
- Bulletproof Lara ... clear England under 27:00 in Time Trials.
- One hit deaths ... Clear Bolivia (stage 8) under 4:15 in Time Trials.
- Unlock Excalibur ... Clear Nepal under 13:40 in Time Trials.
- Unlock the Soul Reaver ... Clear the game and complete all time trials.
World Peace Day-Manila
Interfaith Prayers & Concert
As we celebrate the International Day of Peace 2008
And continue to campaign for collective prayers and interfaith solidarity we invite you to join us in
Sowing Peace for Mindanao
Interfaith Prayers, Lights & Sounds for Peace
September 20, 2008 (Saturday)5:00pm – Interfaith Prayers, Torch-lighting, Bell/Gong-ringing & Drumming for Peace. Iftar (breaking the fast) with Muslim brothers & sisters @ the front lawn of Miriam College, Katipunan Rd., Quezon City 7:00pm – Faiths in Harmony, Symphonies of Peace concert
Featuring songs, chants, dances and performances from different faith groups (Organized by The Peacemakers’ Circle & United Religions Initiative)@ Miriam College - Environmental Studies Institute (first building—with salakot hat-shaped roof-- on the left upon entering the gate)
Please wear white; bring any white flower, drinks & vegetarian food to share, bell/chime/drum or any musical instrument, torch or flashlight
It is time to unite amidst our differences in cultures, religions and political views and make one stand:
Participating Organizations: The Peacemakers’ Circle Foundation, Inc (PCFI), United Religions Initiative – Southeast Asia-Pacific Regional Office (URI_SEAP), Balay Rehabilitation Center, Binhi ng Kapayapaan, Inc., Center for Peace Education - Miriam College, Mindanao Solidarity Network (MSN), Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace Institute (GZOPI), Anak Mindanao (AMIN), Pinay..Kilos! (PINK), Moro Human Rights Council (MHRC), Hope Center, Serenity Healing Center, Assoc. for Research & Enlightenment (ARE), Interfaith Center for a Culture of Nonviolence (ICCN), Vipassana meditators, Mater Carmeli School, JPICC-AMRSP
Presentations from: World Peace Prayer Society- Philippines, SangHabi, Inc , Shumei-Phils, KaLiPiMu Inner Dance group, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, Generation Peace youth network (GenPeace), Byakko Shinko Kai-Phils, Sing-India / Guru Nanak Mission (Sikh), Int’l Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON/Hare Krishna), Step Universe-Phils, Higher Chakra, Velvet band, Unitarian Universalist Community – Manila, Creative Space Center for Integrative Learning for Children, Ananda Marga, Self-Realization Fellowship, Baha’i' Faith youths
For more info contact:
PCFI (920-7622 / 0918-7822805)
Binhi (0926-6401941) ;
Balay (921-6301)
in cooperation with the Friends of Fr. Joseph Galdon, SJ
cordially invites you to the book launch of
collected reflections of Joseph Galdon SJ.
on Saturday, Sept 20, 2008
at 3:30pm
in the 3rd floor, The Garage,
Sonolux Building,
Ateneo de Manila University Campus,
Loyola Heights, Quezon City
The launch will start with an anticipated mass to be celebrated by Fr. Thomas B. Steinbugler, SJ.
Books are available in JESCOM and will be discounted for the month of September.
Launch Price: P 200.00
Regular Price: P 250.00
For every 10 books ordered (single receipt), s/he is entitled to a price off of P 100.00 from the total purchase. Instead of paying P 2,000 - the customer pays P1,900.00.
For pre-orders, pls call Dit Sablan (Jescom) at 426-59-71 or email her at esablan@admu.
See you at the launch!
Please do invite your family and friends to come. Please help spread the word. Thanks!
(RSVP: or
Fr. Joseph A. Galdon SJ used to write a weekly column, The Mustard Seed, in the Manila Chronicle.His other books are: The Mustard Seed, The Chains of Love and Jubilee.
Creative Workshop
On Indigenous Musical Instruments and Filipino Values
Filipino values are explored and experienced through the indigenous musical instruments from the different indigenous communities in the Philippines. September 20, 2008, Saturday, 3 to 5 pm.
Bahay Ginhawa
100 K-6 Street, East Kamias,
Quezon City.
For query, please call 09216921306 or 4410658.
Call for Festival Staff
10th Cinemanila International Film Festival
FULLTIME STAFF ( September–November )
I was once a staff for Cinemanila. And that time the office was at Makati near Bagtikan. If I'm available now,I'd probably continue my volunteering with them.
It's fun to work with Sir Tikoy and J.Lagman. Try it while you can...
Just reposting...
Hello! We need FULL TIME STAFF for the upcoming 10th Cinemanila
International Film Festival. Experience in MARKETING would be handy
If you want to meet interesting people, see award-winning foreign
films and get your adrenaline pumping from working at a crazy festival
pace, volunteer for the 10th Cinemanila International Film Festival,
to be held this year from October 16-29, 2008
We are looking for bright and
mature individuals who don't require a lot of hand-
holding to join this year's team.
We are looking for FULL-TIME Staffs and interns.
Interns are responsible for a wide range of clerical/administra tive
assisting duties, in addition to a bit of fact checking, on-line
research, and occasional writing.
Because we are a relatively small
organization, interns have the opportunity to get to know all of our
staff, and to really see how a film festival is put together. You will
also get the chance to meet filmmakers from all over Asia and Europe
and see Cinemanila movies for free.
We can offer students at any stage
of their college experience academic credit for their
internship. We also accept fresh and recent graduates.
Qualifications: Writing, editing, research, interviewing and phone
skills relevant. Basic computer proficiency is important.
the following departments:
Guest Services,
Theater Coordination,
Promotions and Publicity,
Editorial, Creative, Photography
To apply, please send your resume with a cover letter specifying
which department you are interested in working as an
bench.cinemanila@ or cinemanila@gmail. com
NOTES: This is a non profit organization we can not offer a high
Cinemanila Secretariat
56-D Standford street, Brgy. E Rodriguez Sr., Quezon City
Cine Europa 11
After the CVG Family Day at IMAX,we'd probably head with the kids at Shangri-la Mall in Mandaluyong this Sunday. Relaxation,for us,simply means watching films.
Here's the Screening schedule from Sept 11-21.
Love Songs (1:35) 7:00 PM
When the tide comes in (1:33) 12:00 PM
Children of the Moon (1:27) 2:30 PM
After The Wedding (2:00)) 5:00 PM
Hands Off Mississipi (1:38) 7:30 PM
Colorado avenue (2:00) 10:00 PM
Un Franco, 14 Pesetas (1:45) 12:00 PM
Chemical Hunger (1:37) 2:45 PM
100 Steps (I Cento Passi) (1:54) 4:45 PM
Latebloomer (Die Herbstzeitlosen) (1:26) 7:30 PM
Vitus (2:00) 10:00 PM
The Paper Will Be Blue (2:00) 12:00 PM
Children of the Moon (1:27) 2:30 PM
And When Did You Last See Your Father (1:32) 5:00 PM
Mozart In China (1:30) 7:30 PM
Night Run (Nachtrit) (1:30) 9:30 PM
Hands Off Mississipi (1:38) 12:00 PM
Beauty In Trouble (1:50) 2:30 PM
After The Wedding (2:00) 5:00 PM
Children of the Moon (1:27) 7:30 PM
Love Songs (1:35) 9:30 PM
Un Franco, 14 Pesetas (1:45) 12:00 PM
Chemical Hunger (1:37) 2:15 PM
100 Steps (I Cento Passi) (1:54) 4:45 PM
Night Run (Nachtrit) (1:30) 7:30 PM
Mozart In China (1:30) 9:30 PM
The Paper Will Be Blue (2:00) 12:00 PM
Colorado Avenue (2:00) 2:30 PM
And When Did You Last See Your Father? (1:32) 5:00 PM
Latebloomer (Die Herbstzeitlosen) (1:26) 7:30 PM
Vitus (2:00) 9:30 PM
Love Songs (1:35) 12:00 PM
After The Wedding (2:00) 2:30 PM
Hands Off Mississipi (1:38) 5:00 PM
Beauty In Trouble (1:50) 7:30 PM
Un Franco, 14 Pesetas (1:45) 10:00 PM
Chemical Hunger (1:37) 12:00 PM
100 Steps (I Cento Passi) (1:54) 2:30 PM
Night Run (Nachtrit) (1:30) 5:00 PM
The Paper Will Be Blue (2:00) 7:30 PM
Colorado Avenue (2:00) 10:00 PM
And When Did You Last See Your Father? (1:32) 12:00 PM
Children of the Moon (1:27) 2:30 PM
After the Wedding (2:00) 4:30 PM
Beauty in Trouble (1:38) 7:00 PM
Love Songs (1:35) 9:30 PM
Un Franco, 14 Pesetas (1:45) 12:00 PM
Chemical Hunger (1:37) 2:15 PM
100 Steps (I Cento Passi) (1:54) 4:45 PM
Night Run (Nachtrit) (1:30) 7:30 PM
Colorado Avenue (2:00) 9:30 PM
Breathe in Unity...
On September 20 2008,from 0900hr until 2100hr,Pulse Yoga Makati will host the worldwide collective of Yoga teachers,students ,studios and ashrams.
This will connect and unite Yoga,Seva and the Consciousness with
108 rounds of mantra
108 Surya Namaskar
Tribal drumming,Zipping and Fire Dancing
108 minutes of Yoga Trance Dance led by Yogini Organizer,Teresa Herrera.
I will join this Gobal Peace event even with my growing tummy.
For inquiries contact Pulse Yoga Makati or Text Teresa at 63 917 856 8633
“Be the change you want to see in the world”-Gandhi
MRT Passes are to be claimed at the North Ave station.
Souvenirs and snacks are all set.
Let's all be there for the CVG Family Day at MOA this Sunday,Sept 14 2008.
Screening starts from 1200pm till 1630hr ,I believe.
Bring your kids in their cutest animal costume and win a prize.
Or just have your Family picture taken at the booth,
Whatever,whichever way,have fun with your FAMILY.
See you pips!
The Eraserheads concert pushed through at the Fort Open Field this Saturday Aug 30 2008 but was cut short which left 2 more sets and more fun songs unsung.I,too,am requested for a deep good bed rest,left at home, while family and friends still headed to see the one time big time Pinoy concert of the Year. As what they've experienced,aside from loosing the Vans wallet thick chain,confidently left to the MEANEST and POOR APS Security Team of the event,almost 60,000 fans gathered ,some also lost a lot of items supposedly deposited to that APS plastic bag care,even colognes and lotions were confiscated. But almost everybody of that 60,000 fans gathered, was just there in the NOW and listened to the songs down memory lane.
Video walls and white screens at the field allowed fans to see close ups and be part of the countdown.
It begun to flash the pictures of the band way back the 90's. "Alapaap",with the bass intro mode raised the platform where Ely,Markus,Buddy and Raimund had their grand entrance. Fireworks were from the front then from above which worried people if it was good for Ely's health.
At the kick off,Only Markus was wearing his plaid well known Eheads japorms!
Buddy was in white, as Ely was, but he ended just in a red shirt.Although Raimund was in Black and wearing a wig,he,too,eventually, settled for his do,gothic eyelines,and was in a Nike shirt.

Ely remained in white with an aviator shades until he shook his head to sing "Shake yer head".Or was it the first sign of stress?
All throughout the singing ,with no shades in his eyes,you would witness his innocence,gentleness or maybe he was indeed already feeling weak .
But that did not caught the attention of the crowd.
What then did? The aerial camera caught on screen pretty girls banging their heads for every song they sing or in Dianne's case, Ely's partner,close ups for raising her arms while in her red dress and pearls. Hmmm come to think about it,Ely even changed the first line of Toyang's Too Young" to "They tried,they really tried to tell us we're too old.Too old to really be Bold."But later still went on singing "Mahal ko si Toyang pagkat siya'y simple lamang..."
Intrigued? Lips are sealed if Toyang did watch the concert. Moving forward,the VIP section had fellow musicians,artists and even showbiz personalities.The Patron,as well as those in General Admission wanted to push down the bars that divided the field but to no avail. It was from the Patron group where the "group hug" cheering started which made Ely grin as a "ngising aso" before singing Light Years. Then,Elly may he've lost his balance,went down,half kneeling ,embracing his guitar. Some thought it was emotional tears from the passing away of his mother just this Thursday.
Then the lights went out of the stage and the watch begun to tick for BREAK!
Close to a 30 minute break,Buddy,Markus and Raimund introduced, Ely's sister, Lally, by saying, "Kasama namin si Lally ang kapatid ni Ely.Makinig kayong mabuti.Alam naming makakaintindi kayong lahat." And so the physical and emotional stress Ely is going through has been understood. No more Details ,which was supposed to be mentioned by the Promoter,as what Raimund said,was heard. But a request to pray for Ely's recovery was the most important thing that came out from the organizers.
Will there be a part two of the reunion?
For the Eheads much probably. Check out the posts and video c/o Mark Escueta and Quark Henares in for their Saguijo jamming. But for the stage, that should be, again,included in our prayers.
Rest and Get well soon to us all.Keep rockin'
Eraserheads reunion concert no longer free

Yup!the concert will not be sponsored by the giant tobacco company anymore and ticket selling will not be done online.
So,on the 30th of this month, you can buy the tickets from a whooping P1500 to P2000++ for a general "standing-only" admission. Not bad if you're used to a $100-200 general admission rate and you'd die seeing the Eheads play once more at The Fort open field in Taguig.
But for me,I'd rather save that for grocery!
Also,if you want to purchase this tee,for P300,send an SMS to 09094057728
For international orders,plus shipping costs bro!
Arts and Music Festival
The 4th Backdoor Ventures Arts and Music Festival
August 29,30 & 31 , 2008
Megatrade Hall 3
5th Level, Bldg B, SM Megamall
Day 1:
10:00a the 4th Backdoor Ventures ARTS & MUSIC FESTIVAL and Trade Fair (OPENING)
4:45p LASER LIGHT SHOWS by Argon Animation
5:00p TIMOG
6:15p DJ IMPULSE of Barcelona, Spain
7:15p CHECK
7:45p SYALAM
8:45p 18th ISSUE
9:00p FMD
9:15p QUADRO
9:30p DRIP
9:45p THE DAWN
Day 2:
1:00p Comics Creation by Glass House Graphics
4:15p DJ MARULA of Spain
5:00p Cosplay Fashion Art Show
9:30p YOSHA
Day 3:
4:15p QUESO
6:00p OLIVIA
6:15p LALA
6:30p KENYO
Schedules might subject to change, announcement will be posted at the official website or log on to the calendar list at
YOGA, anyone?
September 02,2008 Tuesday 6:00-7:30 PM
Bahay Ginhawa.
100 K-6 ST, East Kamias,
Quezon City.
For details, pls call/text 09213231737 or 4410658.
Film Festival
Moonrise Film Festival 2008
Annual Moonrise Film Festival features more documentaries than ever. Riveting footage of national treasure and a cause to support the environment are two reasons to come this year.
CEAE in cooperation with the Independent Filmmaker's Cooperative present a varied line-up of documentaries on the country's foremost cultural, environmental and social issues. Included in the roster is award-winning documentary Children of the Mountains.
BAMBOO LAKE by Donnie Sacueza
HANGGA'T MERON by Jose Rico Panganiban
HUPA by Oscar Nava
LAWA NG BATO by Boyette Rimban
PAG-IBIG SA TINUBUANG LUPA by Danielle Arafol and Princess Asuncion
SAYAW SA ALON by Nanette Matilac
UGNAYAN by Gabby Villarama
UNOS SA KA-UGMAON by Carol Ligue and Noel Verula
Schedule of Festival Theatrical Screenings
August 20 - 26 - Robinsons Movieworld Galleria
August 27 - Sept. 2 - Robinsons Movieworld Ermita
September 3 - 9 - Robinsons Movieworld Bacolod
Ayala Cinema Cebu
Sept. 10 - 16 Robinsons Movieworld Iloilo
Sept. 17 - 23 Robinsons Movieworld Lipa
Gaisano Cinema Davao
Sept. 24 - 30 Robinsons Movieworld Imus
Oct. 1 to 7 Robinsons Movieworld Angeles
A benefit concert for Norli Lalo
ten02 Sct Ybardolaza St cor Timog QC
ticket price: P 250
Donations will be accepted at the gate.
Paintings will be welcome for future auction.
Norli is the former director of SBX on channel 23. He is known in the indie film circuit as a production designer and later as Director of Photography. In the early period of his career he had some production work in theatre with PETA. In the field of visual arts he had his first one man show in Avellana Art Gallery and active in contributing works in various group shows. He is also known as an active mountaineer associated with the Malacanang Outdoor Group. He represented the Philippines in 2004 Kampnagel Summer Art Festival as a performance artist with the group neworldisorder. He established the defunct artist hang out in Malate, Round Eye Glass Café and transform the backyard of his house into an alternative space called sulok, which accommodates occasional activities on cross disciplinary arts. Norli on his 34th birthday was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a malignant tumor of the bone marrow. The funds will be use for his hospital expenses.
Monetary donations can send to this account
Norlito T. Lalo ~ Banco De Oro Kalentong Branch ~ Account # 210213078 Mobile +63915 999726
Hot line:
Ivy Suncell +639233898459
Globe +639175603312
Smart +639096795688
Tarik Montano +639206547305
Hope for the Emptiness
I mean, literally empty?
Has your purse been out of a penny nor a bill?
We did.
And it's a liberating experience.
You can't get into any public transportation for free unless you are up to a brawl with the driver.
You can't keep your chin up high when you start to beg from others.
Then you start to believe in the concept of a God being the Almighty Good Provider.
As was quoted to give you hope, little birds can He survive and protect so why not men .
You get to walk miles going home and reflect.
You feel charismatic.
You fell hopelessly hopeful.
And stress that you are living a beautiful life.
One more week to pay day.
WANTED :baby sitter
And we are again waiting in distress for somebody to replace THEM, take note "them"
I always have 2 stay in and 1 ever senior and loyal Mama Mercy who supervises them but she goes home.
It's just that stay ins do not last long.
I wonder why?
Or maybe because I got them from the same family,same source and they have the same attitude and back slides towards us-yeah!same attitude problem!
I wanted to try to get from an agency but I'm afraid to do so with all the rumors that they yayas from agencies leave earlier or that the agency has a cut from their salary,meaning you have to pay them above than 3-4k.
I always pass by the church near my office and getting yayas are always part of my prayer-call that desperation!
The National Anthem
A NAtional Anthem is the heart of citizenship and affirmation of one's love for his own home land.
As early as Kinder, children sing the National Anthem even if they use "sounds-like" words to fill the singing.
The Philippine National Anthem is titled "Lupang Hinirang" but up until now ,even my mother would always mention "Bayang Magiliw" to brand the anthem.
You see, Bayang MNagiliw is the first line of the anthem.
Most Filipinos never correct themselves nor use the title but always say it is Bayang Magiliw.
Why is this the case?
Are we not aware of correcting ourselves or are we not aware of teh National Anthem at all?
Talk About Citizenship huh!
Scam Behind Article Writing
If you browse craigslist everyday, there are a lot of offers in writing/editing section of every City/Country and if you are a newbie, you might get lured into these fake offers. The more you look for an opportunity where you can make small amount of money, the more you lose if you are not careful enough.

It easy to write if you are creative and I believe many of us can write a good and unique content. These scammers, not only stealing your money but also stealing your time. Here are some steps on how to beat them and play fair and square.
1 . Especially in payment, ask your customer to place at least $20 in escrow. If they ask for an article sample, try to send a ready-made-article and do not write a special article for them. They will usually ask you to write at least 3 articles in different topics, mostly difficult topics. Do not do this and instead, refer them to this page so that their shame will be washed-up upon reading this. No customer could argue on this because this idea of scamming has been widely used for a couple of years now.
2. We are freelancers and we do not work on monthly or weekly basis. Payment is first and foremost thing that we need to consider so make sure the payment process is transparent. Never engage in any transaction that involves weekly , bi-weekly, or monthly payment system. You can only do this if there is a written contract between you and the customer, and if the customer is a well-known company.
3. Make sure you know who are you dealing with. Don’t let others steal your precious time buy not paying you your service.
Here is a warning posted an hour ago by fellow Filipino on craigslist. This is very common and typical.
To all Filipino writers,
Please be advised from answering posted jobs of ” Writer, Internet Marketing Writer, Blogger, Journalist, copywriter, SEO writer, article writer” you often find in this section.
Most of these posters are plain and simple scammers.
They will require you to send them a sample of your work. Then they will email you to write them 3 or 4 additional articles.
After that,they WILL NOT PAY YOU and you will no longer hear from them.
I’ve been a victim of such scam.
In addition, please don’t reply to posted writing jobs promising you $150 monthly. That’s preposterous. Usually, these posters come from other countries whose writer’s compensation is $25/ PER HOUR.
They have the guts to shamelessly demand 10 well-written articles a day for a measly &150/month?
Honest and legitimate companies that need writers pay an advance $50 as deposit fee. I know. I have around 5 companies that I submit articles and they gave advance payments of $50.
If an individual or a company refuse to give an advance payment, shun them.
On the average, a good writer can only write 3-well written articles. You should charge $18-$20 per article. That’s the writer’s fee nowadays.
Anything less than this is NOT ACCEPTABLE and a painful INSULT TO US AS WRITERS.
Tell them to post their jobs elsewhere and here in the Philippines.
From a concerned Filipina writer.
Again, make sure the customer has placed an advanced payment at scriptlance or escrow service (either site will work but scriptlance is more cheaper). Both of you must have an account at scriptlance (as a programmer and as a webmaster) and the cx must post a special project just for you. You will thn place your bid on that project and the customer must select you. This is then the time he/she can place an escrow payment for you and this payment cannot be touched unless you (as provider) would cancel it. Explain this to your customer that this is for the safety of both of you. If he/she will not agree on this process, then he/she is just planning to rip you off!
Household Chores
Today is Holiday in the Philippines and children are all at home.
Although I will be at work later,I make sure we have quality time spent before I leave them tonight.The good thing about our three boys is that they all have their own share of small responsibilities at home.My eldest knows how to cook now -rice, hotdogs or sausages, soups and soon sauteing vegetables.
My middle child is the official "wipe-r" of walls, window glasses and the monitor.He likes the act of wiping surfaces as he loves to color and even play with the iron.Our youngest,Jamyro, smallest as he may be, is always on the go for sweeping the floor and putting all the trashes in our little rubber ducky bins. So in time you want his assistance to throw something in it, just tell him "to the rubber ducky please..Thank you"
When I was staying at home,little Jamyro would help me do the laundry may it be handwashed or through the washing machine.Even with little hands they have,they are introduced to the big responsibilities ahead of them so why not start early as today?
The Mummy
The concept of KARMA
It's a long-weekend and that means Family day and film marathon at home. The kids watched Wall E and JAro ,my eldest, was the only one who finished the film.
Talk about aspects of loving between robots, garbages, and human independence.What we enjoyed watching this day was The Mummy.
We watched The Mummy and The Mummy Returns not because Brendan Fraser has been my ultimate crush but because it talks about History and adventure.
For me, I opened their eyes to the AFTER LIFE = next life But what they truly like are the spells and entertaining the thought that spirits,especially those cursed will always return for their revenge. That makes them scared of doing not so good things that may be carried on the to one's next life. Watch out.
Or if used to name a person, it can be the masculine counter part of Una.
I wanted my eldest to bear that name.
Ely Buendia of the Eraser Heads, Mongols and Pupil had that for one of his kids and even the Master Rapper,Francis Magalona had that.
Talking about the two, they are friends right, and share the same journey.
Ely was confined because of a heart issue and Francis M. due to leukemia.
Why are talented treasured performers, around their age range , having this path?
I hope they both continue to breeze through the process and HEAL through the experience.
As they always say, GET WELL SOON ...Masters!
Keep rockin'
My eldest son cheats
He told me to post as he wants to share his AVATAR cheats here.
Here goes cheaters!
Go to the Extras option, then choose the "Code Entry" option, from there input
any of the following codes to activate the cheat effect:
1-hit dishonor - Input "54641" on the Code entry screen.
All treasure maps unlocked - Input "37437" on the Code entry screen.
Character concept image gallery - Input "97831" on the Code entry screen.
Double damage - Input "34743" on the Code entry screen.
Infinite Chi - Input "24463" on the Code entry screen.
Infinite copper - Input "23637" on the Code entry screen.
Infinite health - Input "94677" on the Code entry screen.
Infinite stealth - Input "53467" on the Code entry screen.
Unlimited experience:
You can go back in to the battle later to get more experience.
You will be able to get infinite experience.
Unlock level art gallery bonus:
Collect all the Set Items in Levels 1 - 3.
Unlock Character story board gallery bonus:
Collect all the Set Items in Levels 1 - 6.
Unlock Story board gallery bonus:
Collect all the Set Items in Levels 1 - 5.
While you are at the starting menu, press X, X, Square, Triangle, O, O, Start.
If the code is accepted, you will hear a confirmation sound.
How to beat the master of the prison:
While fight against the master of the prison use the Gale attack. Hit him with
the gale, then run. Then hit again, and run agian. Repeat this
strategy until he dies.
Career in the Call Center
What Career in Call Center Industry
When people ask me why for almost 5 years I settled to just be a Call Center Agent,I would tell them my pessimistic excuses and view on things. For once, a tenured agent gets to go home with lesser worries and stress. But talk about other rewards,incentives and additional pay, we, agents get to bring home New experiences but of course,lesser than "their" rates. Agents by the way,are the CORE and FRONTLINERS of the entire Team so WHY NOT?
I never wanted to be an Accent Trainer because I feel how tedious and how strict it would be to keep marking down or "ding-ing" pronunciation patterns of some Filipinos.
My standards are set too high to coach trainees and that would mean high mortality rate for aspirants. I also do not want to be a Product Trainer as I will be stuck dealing and being a loyal dog to the Client.Not that I see PTs all are, sorry,but they are bound to be for some time. Also ,I feel updates are not meant to help ease learning but to terminate tenured agents for change.
May the best agent win!
I do not want to do anything with Operations or be a Team Leader as I tend not to work in a group. You see, I tend to withdraw, not as a team player , but I'm so individualistic that I do good deeds in a micro self centered level.
Call me Selfish,but I really am,after all I have other jobs to do and 6 more people under my roof, my team. I only wanted and desired to do events for the company-my first love. Or be part of the Comp and Ben dept of HR so somehow I let employees enjoy their government benefits and pay their taxes right on time. Maybe,my quick answer may really be,I love to serve with an instant fruit of my labor, a tangible result and I never want to extinguish a SOUL. Or that I am to impatient being in the process of waiting in vain . Let it be!
PASSed: Rocker since Birth
Yeah ,It was a passing B2.
Another spectacular moment was when my youngest said "PEPE SMITH"
How on earth did he know the man?!
He uttered the Rock Icon's name while jamming his ukelele.
Maybe he wants to be Sir Pepe.
Rock On Jamyro!
My share

On August 06 2008 (also her birthday) while riding home a jeepney along Cainta, Rizal, Tara was shot in the head during a hold-up. Her very close friend Joyce "Joee" Mejias, who was with her at that time rushed her to the nearest hospital.
Tara has been in the ICU fighting for her dear life. Although it seems that there is nothing else we can do but wait for a miracle to happen. We, friends of Tara, E.X.I.S.T. members, have decided to organize a benefit gigs to raise funds for Tara's hospital/medical bills.
For those who wants to donate, the temporary bank account is under Anne Marie F. Santelices, Banco de Oro, SA 2140-062201. Any amount will much be appreciated. You can also give your donations during the event.
Please continue praying for Tara, for Joyce and for both of their families.
Please support our event. This will help her a lot.
Tara Fest: Series of benefit gigs for Tara
Did I?
Pass or Fail?
Try to read what transpired in a Berlitz English Proficiency interview and tell me if this would pass or fail? Be reminded of the lexical,phonological and grammar usage of the interviewee ,okay?
Here goes:
How's your day today?
I'm doing great .
It's just that I feel nervous because this is a requirement to continue Product Training.
Don't be nervous,I'd just ask you questions to test your English Proficiency.
Did you take breakfast earlier?
Oh yes, I had a heavy breakfast.
Here in the Philippines, a heavy breakfast has rice and a viand.
I had sausages and dried fish with rice.
What is breakfast?
Breakfast is a word,a term derived from breaking the fast.
When you sleep for 8-10 hours, the body does not take in anything so when you wake up, breakfast is the first thing you do-you eat.
you literally,break the fasting.
Yeah ,it gets you up.
Right, it makes me ready for the day and with an hour travel time to be in work.
Oh,it takes you an hour to go to work?
It's really not that far,but I take the public transportation, that makes it an hour travel. If you ride the jeep, and its not full of passengers,it tends to pick almost in every corner so that makes it longer.
How is it like riding the jeep?
Jeepneys are the means of the masses for public transportation.
You get to see people from all works of life in a jeepney. Student even young professionals in coat and tie ride the jeepney. It's good if you see a co employee inside the jeepney or just look at other commuters inside.
That's interesting. If I were to be in Manila, can I ride the jeepney?
Oh,riding the jeepney is challenging and adventurous. It's really not clean and fresh because you get to have the pollution-noise and air pollution.
Also for tourists, it would be best to rent a car or ride the Tram or Train instead of a jeepney.
If I were to go to Manila how would I ride the jeepney?
It's not really advisable to ride the jeepeny because it's not that secured and clean.
Also, you can get mob from the jeepneys.
Are jeepneys the only public transport?
No, there are other forms but the jeepney is the most common and the lower class status's transport access.
Are jeepneys better than other transport?
With the inflation rate, and the oil price increase , riding the jeepney is better than having your own car. We even have a senator who takes the tram,parks his car near the tram station and rides the jeepney. Also,a congressman rides a bicycle when going to Congress. Congress is also passinga bill for a car-less day
What?! A car less day?!
Because here in the Philippines, one household does not a have a maximum limit of owning Congress is thinking to have a carless day as private vehicles cause heavy traffic.
Are people in the Philippines aware of the environment?
Yeah, even if we are a third world country, we are aware of the environment.
And because in the Southern part of the Philippines, we experience flash floods,people,especially students have tree planting projects.
If I go to Manila,how will I apply for a job?
I do not really know what legal papers you must have but for sure you should have a working visa or Alien Certificate. You should be a Voice or accent trainer in a call center here.
How would I know where to apply?
Oh,you'd see ads everywhere. Even on cabs, their body is painted with ads.
You'd see call centers on billboards even on trams Convergys even had,i don't know how thay call it,but almost 5 sections of the train painted with their ads.
Ads would always have someone in a headset. And the usual contents would be the renumeration packages,benefits that are way above average.
Okay,we're running out of time but it was a pleasure talking to you Jacq.
It's okay.
Thank you too Rochelle.
And I hope you do come here in the Philippines.
Yeah,I might because they say it's a beautiful country.
Oh thank you!.
Okay, goodbye.
Take Care.
First Words
Aside from Mmmaammmaaa and Pppaapaaa my youngest utters,I may now be able to create an adhoc baby dictionary or a manual so his yaya can understand him better.
Here are some of the words he wants us to decipher:
SAN-the end part of BUKSAN meaning to open
LIS-last syllable of "ALIS" when one's leaving
DEDE-when he wants his fresh breastmilk from me
NIT-last part of the word "mainit" meaning warm
NIT TWO NIT-this he says when he has to choose from 2 options like saying A or B
or I guess he's saying next to next
POG-for "umpog" or when he bumps his head
BOK- when he wants you to read him a book
BROOM BROOM-for toy cars and bicycles
WASH-when he needs us to wash him up
BRUSH-when it's toothbrush time
MAM MAM-please give me water
AM AM-for food
GIVE-when he was told to give you something
Then the infamous animal sounds
AW AW for dogs
MING for cats
TIK TIK for lizards
KUKAK for frogs
But the most loving language of all ,is when your child initiates to embrace and kiss you with his little arms.
Why limit yourself?
I'm not used to saying it but most Filipinos say it if they can't grasp what the topic is all about or in other words,information overload.
It's not really the nose bleed when you get heat stroke or warm but I guess it serves the same impact as to when one reacts in not being able to take so much of something.
Funny,but this has been commonly spoken by trainees if they can't or try not to comprehend the topics discussed during training so that the facilitator could stop.
We are on our third week for the DSL Product Training and yet we have not gotten far from troubleshooting NO BROWSE but my co trainees keep mumbling the word.
Is that how they react to such PAIN?
SO then,how do you call my Husband's Pain?
After the vehicular accident,he is now with RADIAL PALSY.
Today,with a plate in his arm,he struggles to continue his love for Design but later did we found out that one of the screws popped out.
Point is, we all have our own little different pains.
SO let us all be AWARE and sensitive to which we spend or waste our ample energies.
We MUSt learn to OVERCOME , ENDURE and first of all, CHOOSE not to bear so much of it
So why say you are bleeding when in fact you are not or you chose to be STUPID in PAIN afterall?
Jayrob's Song
Note:the way he used to sing it.....
"Mahal kita aking Ina,ika'y aking sinisinta,
Walang yamang mahalaga,liban sa iyo aking ina,
O nanay ko, aking nanay,minamahal kitang tunay
di ibig na mawalay,sa piling mo habang buhay"
The ENGLISH version
(and I'm trying to correct his long e vowel sounds grrrr)
"I love you so my mother der"----Now he says it as DEAR.Thank goodness!!!!
"I feel your love when you are ner"---no worries, he now sings it as NEAR ding ding ding
(then he mumbles the next entire line which I find it hard to decode here)
"Oh mother dear is lov eof mine"
"Oh mother dear is through the light"
"My guardian angel pure and bright"
"I feel in joy and sorrow"
"In you my life is la la la "
In you no schwa is schwa la la"
(I promise to get back to this once he grasped what those words are.)
For the meantime....
At times, I tend to stress on the DEAR and NEAR
and to make it more loving,I sing this to him replacing all the "ina" and "mother" to "anak" and "son"
BUT the point is,it talks about our affirmation
and I always feel so happy and at peace when he sings this beautiful song while he consciously corrects his vowel sounds!
Way to go son!
In my Dreams
Teletech Nova is always in my dreams
True,I can't get over it! People in Teletech Nova is always in my dreams-every night!
Maybe because I was close to having my dream job there and because I was not able to ENDURE. But it's funny,because every night ,I dream of the people I was with during Project Smiles,the same faces who opened,fumigated and made a mark to the site.
But seriously now,I know why, It's my seperation pay!
Thanks to Joey from HCD,he was brave enough to tell my mom about my CHECK sitting there for almost 3 months now. So given the 0800-1200 or 2200-0200 "visiting/pick up schedule",I went there armed with 2 valid IDs and my cedula. I was also able to chat with Chloe,T,and Clarence. Brian,my very first Product Trainer,who is now one of THE Managers, was all smiles asking me "Are you back?"
I just smiled back and answered "I'm at the other side now"
And most of it all,I was also able to see THE AJ M.-the brilliant gem of TeleTech.
These people has always been the real grounded higher management and the reason my heart will always be with TeleTech SITE 3/Nova DC!
Advance Happy Anniversary Nova!
I shall return.....
Eraserheads Reunited
I asked Buddy about the rumor and he confirmed it.
But he kept mum about the Talent Fee each is getting.
He also offered me to look into their puppies.
Maybe my dream was because of the anticipated Eraserheads reunion on Aug 30 at the CCP Grounds.
But why would a band disband?
Why would they reunite?
Why not if NEEDS have to be MET?
It's not that bad if you'll be given 10M per member or as a band performing your hits within 45 minutes-
45 minutes of gathering people and allowing them to be strong enough not to SMOKE the product of the company sponsoring the event.
Mind you,only network game shows would give you that big chunk of money and exposure in a blink if you're luck.
So why not swallow your pride and do away with health issues for a night?
Bottom line is,this is the night and the event stressing that WE ALL HAVE A CHOICE.
The band members made their CHOICES.
They may have fixed or set aside their "personal issues",have FORGIVEN because they like us ,have GROWN PRACTICAL and MATURE.
And don't we all need MONEY to survive sanity?!
Wait until GMA speaks of uplifting the country's current situation on Monday.(which by the way,she never mention ed after all)
Aside from the nation's issue,the BIG question is,will you go and see the ORIGINAL Eraserheads on the Red Nation event sponsored by the RED Cigarette company on Aug 30 at the CCP Grounds?
I want to, but with my pregnancy,I'd rather not go near the smoking crowd.
I'd rather hear the Eheads reunion ,not even in the Sunken Garden in Diliman either but in Sta Mesa open field where I got their first Ultramagneticpop tee.
Also,the reunion for the UP thing,I don't really agree to that.
For one, I don't go with the hoola balooza of the UP Centennial Cleberation
Second,you can never have the UP DIploma or be a legit UP alumna if you have not graduated right?
So playing in UP leaves bitter memories or so.
Reunion at the Kalayaan Residence Hall instead would make things more REAL-istic.
And if that happens,that means they had the means to take into consideration most of the sentiments where and why they really first BONDED.
I had a dream about my Mom dying. I told the story to my husband ( because they say you have to blurt it out so it won't happen ASAP). But when I slept again,the same day,it's the burial plot then, like a continuation of it.
Today,I had one person in the plot and when I slept again,it's like a sequel
What's happening to me?
Dreams ,they say, are our heart's desire and fears.
What's on with me?
Freud are you there????
Tell me why do my dream plots continue?
Something Moved me in Sanctuario
June 24 has passed and it was indeed JP's Day.Family and Friends showered the Big event at Sanctuario de San Antonio.All that glittered were gold but we were in Purple Haze.I was part of the mass for the second Reading and I broke down in tears close to the ending.
Here's the line which moved me the most;
"When I was a child,I used to talk as a child,think as a child;when I became a man,I put aside childish things."
"At present we see indistinctly,as in a mirror,but then face to face at Present, I know partially;then I shall know fully as I am fully grown."
"So FAITH,HOPE,LOVE remain,these three;but the greatest of these is LOVE."
Then food gallore at the Polo Club.I then opted to eat the Pritchon and Chocolate Pudding.It's not advisable to eat when you're in distress!
Anyways, more celebrations to come and Welcome to the married life Potpot!
A Preschooler 's Prayer and Rally
It's fulfilling to send your kids to school. And nothing beats sending them with no service but just walking or riding the bike. My second son, Jayrob is now at Nursery and we never experienced separation anxiety. I guess it's solely because of his eagerness and drive to learn.
He would just be sent to the gate where the school gives me a GATE PASS and once I put on his shoe rug ,off to the classroom he goes. Unlike his colleagues who cry.
It is rewarding to start detaching yourself from your kids at an early age.
The only assurance he asks from me,as he is my middle child,is "Mom,do you love me?"
It just a YES for an answer that ignites my 4 year old to schooling.
Here is their school prayer,Jayrob's version and phonetics:
Oh Jesus/good shapherd/you are our master our shaphard/You call and lead us for future /to fruit of sweet flavor and joyful rest/oh loving Son/ Our almighty/ send the holy spirit /to make you humble and obedient/ you are our only hope
I guess Prayer is indeed the teacher's only HOPE to stop the crying of the rest in the classroom.
Ooops by the way,prepare your kids favorite snack-no junk foods please-that's also one way of telling them how you Love and try to be with them the most!
Free Work From Home
I guess there really is no free lunch!
All the sites I've been too will ask you to sign up or set up an account with them
They post all the promised benefits and BIG Earnings BUT there is such a thing as being a member!
Be a meber first and register for a one time big time membership fee!
Oh my! nothing really to spare here dude!
Paying an annual membership that costs around $69.99 and up.
Where do i get that much nor a credit card?
Oh my!oh my third world country!
That's investing in a long term relationship with the internet indeed.
But again,tell me more.
Is there any other REAL FRee site that you can enter and get paid without shedding out a start up capital-no spending nor purchases?
Is there?is there any,really now?
13ème Festival du film français de Manille
French Film Fest - Manila
I am an avid fan of International Film Festivals since U.P. Days
And up until now,I am grateful for the French Embassy for their undying love for the Arts and reaching it out to people through the Shang.
Here's a posting for the 13th French Film Festival in Manila.
Watch it for Free!and be moved a lifetime!
More film reviews when I get to see one of these!
13ème Festival du film français de Manille
Shangri-La Plaza
June 11 – June 22, 2008
Schedule (Subject to change without Prior Notice)
JUNE 11 (WEDNESDAY) - Opening Night
7:30 pm
Un baiser s’il vous plait – Shall we Kiss? (1:40)
JUNE 12 (THURSDAY) - (Tribute to Philippine Cinema)
12:00pm Changement d’adresse (1:25)
2:00pm Je crois que je l’aime (1:30)
4:30 PM Serbis
7:00 PM Now Showing (4:00)
12:30pm Clean (1:40)
3:00pm Qui m’aime me suive (1:40)
5:30pm Ma Vie en l’Air – Love is in the Air(1:45)
8:00pm Changement d’adresse (1:25)
12:30pm Ah si j’etais Riche – If I Were a Rich Man(1:45)
3:00pm Clean (1:40)
5:30pm Qui m’aime me suive (1:40
8:00pm Je crois que je l’aime (1:30)
12:30pm Ah si j’etais Riche – If I Were a Rich Man(1:45)
3:00pm Qui m’aime me suive (1:40)
5:30pm Clean (1:40)
8:00pm Changement d’adresse (1:25)
12:30pm Je crois que je l’aime (1:30)
3:00pm Ma Vie en l’Air – Love is in the Air(1:45)
5:30pm Changement d’adresse 1:25)
8:00pm Ah si j’etais Riche – If I Were a Rich Man(1:45)
12:30pm Clean (1:40)
3:00pm Changement d’adresse 1:25)
5:30pm Roman de Gare (1:43)
8:00pm Qui m’aime me suive (1:40)
12:30pm Je crois que je l’aime (1:30)
3:00pm Ma Vie en l’Air – Love is in the Air(1:45)
5:30pm Changement d’adresse 1:25)
8:00pm Ah si j’etais Riche – If I Were a Rich Man(1:45)
12:30pm Les Chansons d’ Amour (1:35)
3:00pm Ah si j’etais Riche – If I Were a Rich Man(1:45)
5:30pm Qui m’aime me suive (1:40)
8:00pm Ma Vie en l’Air – Love is in the Air(1:45)
12:30pm Changement d’adresse 1:25)
3:00pm Qui m’aime me suive (1:40)
5:30pm Les Chansons d’ Amour (1:35)
8:00pm Je crois que je l’aime (1:30)
12:30pm Roman de Gare (1:43)
3:00pm Ma Vie en l’Air – Love is in the Air(1:45)
5:30pm Les Chansons d’ Amour (1:35)
8:00pm Je crois que je l’aime (1:30)
12:30pm Les Chansons d’ Amour (1:35)
3:00pm Ah si j’etais Riche – If I Were a Rich Man(1:45)
5:30pm Clean (1:40)
8:00pm La Mome (2:20) - starring Marion Cotilliard, 2008 Oscar Best Actress Winner
Alliance Française de Manille
french film fest, filmfest
How one entrepreneur really emanated her Smart Humility
By Robina Gokongwei-Pe, UP School of Economics
Sunday, May 25, 2008
(Editor’s note: We stole this speech of Robina Gokongwei-Pe from the UP School of Economics website. Robina was the guest of honor during their Recognition Day last April 25.)
Thank you very much, Prof. Dante Canlas, for your wonderful, wonderful introduction.
Dean Emmanuel de Dios — Dean de Dios was my professor of international trade way back in 1981, and it is not only because he gave me a grade of 1.5 that I agreed to be your guest speaker for today. It is hard for me to remember all my teachers in college, but Dean de Dios was someone I remembered very well, because I couldn’t imagine how one so young could be so brilliant. He was personally chosen by UP President Emerlinda Roman to be one of the speakers at the UP Centennial Lecture Series. He will speak on “Secular Morality and the University” on May 7 (plugging, plugging).
By the way, President Roman says that noted filmmaker Behn Cervantes keeps reminding everyone that it’s pronounced “centennial” with a short “e,” and not “centeeeennial.”
Former Dean Raul Fabella — it’s unfortunate that I missed Dean Fabella in college. I think he was in the US when I was a student.
College Secretary Oggie Arcenas — Di ko rin inabutan si Prof. Arcenas, but then he must’ve been still in high school when I was at UPSE. When I saw him, I came to the conclusion that UPSE college secretaries are all boyish-looking because the college secretary during my time, Prof. Cayetano Paderanga, who incidentally taught me Econ 101, had the same features. (During my time, there were two cutie pies — Professsors Vito Inoferio and Cayetano Panderanga.)
Professor Dante Canlas, who taught me Econ 181. He was the only professor man enough to give me a grade of “1” even if I didn’t take his midterm exams. I will tell you about that later.
Professor Solita Monsod — the irrepressible Winnie Monsod with her sexy legs, miniskirt, booming voice, cigarette and iced tea in tow. Prof. Monsod taught us Econ 11 and Econ 101, and she explained everything so clearly it made economics less scary than I thought it would be. One morning during a class in the auditorium, she said, “Hey, who’s been spreading the news that this glass I’m carrying every day to class contains scotch? Of course I don’t bring scotch to class. It’s iced tea!”
Professor Manny Esguerra — Sayang, di ko naging teacher si Prof. Esguerra.
Professor Benjie Sandoval of the College of Business Administration — Benjie is executive director and my barkada at the UP Centennial Commission.
Tita Eden Bautista, former administrative officer at SE 101, who gave me my honorable dismissal in 1981 when I unexpectedly left UP in my senior year. If I need someone to remember where I placed all my things, it has to be Tita Eden. In fact, she is right now holding my handbag for me.
Joaquin Teotico, president of the UPSE Alumni Association; academic personnel, administration personnel, parents and graduates: Good afternoon.
I’m very happy to be back in the university that I never graduated from but wish I had. I am simply one lucky bitch to be speaking on your recognition day. Thank you to the UPSE Student Council, led by Sarah Adan and Jances Parado, for inviting me. In their letter, Sarah and Jances asked me to share my experiences and insights into being an instrument of meaningful change in society. And if could please bring in the concept of economics as an instrument of change and progress.
I gave Dean de Dios a call and said, “Dean, it’s a wonderful topic but I don’t know what I’m supposed to say,” and he told me, “Let’s have lunch with the students and talk about it.”
And so I did, and I met Sarah, Jances, and other student reps Mario Garcia, Nica Maloles and Jelain Reyes, plus Dean Fabella, Professors Arcenas, Monsod and Jack Teotico. I asked the students what they would really, really be interested in. They asked “Can you talk about what’s in store for us after economics?” The faculty said, “How about entrepreneurship?” or “How about matching economic theories with reality?”
And so I decided to put everything together, as chop suey as it may sound. Let me start with economic theories or concepts or terminology, whatever is the right way of calling them.
The first theory is the ubiquitous law of supply and demand. The reason I failed to graduate from UP was that I was kidnapped on the way to school in September 1981, and guess what, right on the day I was supposed to take Prof. Canlas’ exams.
Contrary to the 2000 movie Ping Lacson, Supercop, I was not jogging on the grounds of UP wearing a midriff when I got kidnapped. In the first place I didn’t have the body then to wear that outfit and never will. By the way, the actress who played me in the movie was Angel Locsin, and I hope you didn’t invite me to make this speech because you thought I looked like her. (Of course, deep inside, I wish I did.)
By the way, yes, it was then Lt. Col. and now Senator Ping Lacson who rescued me after seven days in captivity. He literally kicked and broke down the door, just like you see in the movies.
At that time, 1981, the kidnappers demanded P7 million in ransom money. Nowadays, any Tom, Dick and Harry would kidnap you for as low as P300,000. And that’s the law of supply and demand. The price has gone down to P300,000 because there are so many unorganized criminal gangs who are willing to take anything, and the victims are more willing to give since it’s not worth your life trying to haggle if it’s only P300,000.
You must be wondering whether the kidnappers were caught. Which brings me to the second theory: the theory of competitive advantage.
The mastermind was the son of a judge from Cebu. The judge from the lower court found him guilty, but when the case came up to the Supreme Court, the justices acquitted him. It’s only in the Philippines where you see the mastermind of a kidnapping gang get acquitted, and I wonder whether it has to do with his being the son of another judge. That is what you call competitive advantage.
The third theory is cost-benefit analysis. In 1989, we acquired the venerable national daily Manila Times from the Roces family. Sometime in 1998, my editors, who incidentally came from UP, wrote a headline that annoyed then President Joseph Estrada.
The story was about how the government was unwittingly led to sign an anomalous contract with IMPSA, a foreign group. Take note, this was in 1998, so if you’re thinking that this is ZTE, this is not ZTE.
Anyway, I didn’t even know what the story was all about, as my policy was to leave the editors to do their job while I handled the business side. I ended up getting sued by the president of the country, and for several nights, I thought hard about the future of the paper. As an economist would say, “Do a cost-benefit analysis.” The benefit was that it was a well-respected paper with a well-respected staff. However, the cost was that I was sure to die early, thinking about getting sued day in and day out. I didn’t want the staff to deal with a boss suffering from a nervous breakdown, and I didn’t want the readers to think that we were now forced to change the newspaper’s ideals to avoid any more lawsuits, so with a heavy heart, we sold the paper.
Running a well-respected paper was part of my efforts at being an instrument of meaningful change in society. So much for the effort. I figured, hay naku, magtitindera na lang ako.
Anyway, five years after, the government ended up suing that same foreign group, IMPSA, for leading them to sign that anomalous contract. By that time, I was already leading a less-turbulent life managing our retail group, and I left my sister Lisa to continue with publishing. She was smarter than me. She put up the highly successful Summit Publishing, which includes some staples such as Cosmopolitan and FHM. This is where I can say that when it comes to sex, the demand is always greater than the supply.
The fourth concept is about monopolies and oligopolies. A UP alumnus recently branded our family as oligarchs in the airline industry. In my economics textbook, an oligopoly happens when only a few players dominate the industry and set the price of goods unreasonably high. I do not know how we can be oligarchs if we give opportunities for people to travel more often by providing one-peso fares. Setting the price of goods with one-peso fares? Maybe he wants us to lower it to 50 centavos.
Let me go on to the fifth and sixth concepts, which I believe are the most important because they have to do with what you are going to do after graduation. Specifically, what you think you can do after obtaining an economics degree. In truth, you can do anything you want.
In fact, I asked the student reps over lunch why they majored in economics, and they said it was because they had the impression that you can do anything with an economics degree, and I told them they were right.
In fact, I wonder who among you were like me and decided to major in economics because you wanted something close to business but not take up business administration, and you thought that economics and BA were almost the same. It turns out that they’re related in some ways, but in most ways they’re totally different, and it’s a good thing I didn’t major in BA: I barely passed accounting.
My dad didn’t force me to take up BA after I graduated in high school in 1978 because he said that I would learn business anyway when I entered business, so I should go learn something else. If I had the choice, I would’ve gone into anthropology or veterinary medicine, but then it was uso among the Chinoys at that time that you either majored in pre-med because you were going to be a doctor, or in business because you were going to work in a bank. It seemed that Chinoys were headed to only two professions at that time.
I was the typical Chinoy who just followed where everyone went.
Anyway, back to my fifth and sixth theories — the theory of opportunity costs and the law of diminishing marginal returns. I know that when you start looking for a job, you will do two things — you will compare what each company is offering you, and you will compare your pay with your batchmates. Taking the first job offer that comes your way implies an opportunity cost of losing the chance of making more money. You wouldn’t want to lose that opportunity to make more money, would you?
Six months into the job, either one of two things can happen, or the two may happen at the same time. Either you will be thinking about whether this is the job you really want and you will keep on meditating about it to the consternation of your boss, or another company will try to poach you by offering better pay and benefits, or both.
Now take note that you belong to Generation Y, which the latest issue of The McKinsey Quarterly describes as people “born after 1980 — whose outlook has been shaped by, among other things, the Internet, information overload, and overzealous parents. HR professionals say these workers demand more flexibility, meaningful jobs, professional freedom, higher rewards, and a better work life-life balance than older employees do.
“People in this group see their professional careers as a series of two- to three-year chapters and will readily switch jobs.”
Emphasis on “readily switch jobs.”
So on to theory No. 6, the law of diminishing marginal returns. Being a member of Gen Y, you may have the habit of moving from one job to another, always grabbing the one that will pay more. You have the right not to miss out on these opportunity costs, but take note that if, by the time you’re 30, you show this three-page résumé listing that you had 12 jobs in eight years, you can be sure that you will experience firsthand the law of diminishing marginal returns. On your 13th job interview, you will be worth what your rate was when you were 22. No employer will dare hire you, because he thinks you will just run off again after six months.
Assuming (which, by the way, is an economist’s favorite word) that you decided to become an entrepreneur instead of seeking employment, then bravo, you made the right decision.
Entrepreneurship is a topic that Dean de Dios wanted me to talk about, but I told him that I wasn’t an entrepreneur. I am only managing one of my father’s businesses and using company money, not my money. But Dean said that, in any case, he knows more people who have spent all their fathers’ wealth and run the business into the ground much faster than it took me to build my father’s business. So, thank you for your kind words, Dean.
I am not an entrepreneur — it is my dad who’s an entrepreneur — but let me say something about it. I think the reason few people go into entrepreneurship especially when they come from top-tier schools like UP is that when they want to open their own taho cart, for example, people around them would tease them and say, “Ano ka ba, galing kang UP, magtataho ka lang!”
My answer to that is “E ano?” At least you have something you can call your very own.
You are not beholden to anyone but yourself, and yet you bring joy to society because you give people a product that they like. After all, big businesses started by being small once. Big business didn’t start out big: there’s no such thing.
Let me give you, though, one tip about running a business, and one more economic theory to go with it.
It’s about the theory of market competition. There’s such a thing as fair competitors, and there’s such a thing as desperate competitors. Both are troublesome, but you know fair competition is part of free enterprise. As for desperate competitors, you worry if this country is retrograding.
You were not born yet when the story of my kakambal na ahas who was half-woman, half-snake came out when we opened our second Robinsons Department Store branch in Cebu in 1985. My kakambal was supposed to be the source of our wealth as she laid golden eggs. She was supposed to be hiding under the floor of the fitting rooms, and every time a beautiful woman would enter, the floor would open and she would land right inside the mouth of my kakambal na ahas.
I have no idea who started this incredible story, but I have to tell you that some people believed it and even started staring at my legs to see if there were any signs of snakeskin. A few people still ask me about it, and I have to tell them na naging handbag na ho sa Robinsons Department Store.
Thank goodness there was no Internet yet at that time, or you would start receiving photos of me with a snake’s body and my kakambal na snake with a woman’s legs.
How do you deal with these dirty tricks? Nothing, just keep quiet and let the story fade away. Or better still, make a joke out of it.
And that is what you are going to face on a regular basis once you step out of school.
Someone will be out to kill your product, out to get your job, out to grab your boyfriend.
And if you’re an unlucky bitch, maybe all at the same time! But in the end, you will come out a stronger person, and better still, end up with a much better boyfriend.
Thank you and congratulations!
Technical Support Representative
Call Center Agent
Is being a TSR the main reason why I resigned from my previous employer? I guess not because I am a TSR once more.
It's easier when you assist callers in troubleshooting with the basic steps to get them online may it be Dial Up FIOS or DSL.
Remember I had posted a blog about getting SYNC? Now that I am back,I can't wait to complete my requirements.As always,it's best to be ready with your government papers like your Social Security papers with your digital SSS i.d,BIR ITR 2316 or 1902 and it's definitely a plus if you have your TIN card.
Also,mostly needed is your Certificate of Employment from your previous employer.
So better request it from them as soon as you terminate them off!Kidding aside,there is no other most secured feeling if you are employed.It gives you your basic salary,allowances,20% night differential that means from 10pm to 6am shift,health card and it's good too if you are entitled to a signing bonus or even referral bonus which later on you could negotiate 50% each less tax from a friend already employed in the new office you're going to.The goal really is not to just cope up any longer with a JOB but to build a career.
To breakthrough and build your future!
Now,that keeps you a pretty darn clue as to where I am currently training,doesn't it?
As one friend always say,BIGGER is BETTER!
callcenters, TSR, call center agent
Better Cause and Higher Pay
Shifting to a Better Cause and Higher Pay
My friend and I are oldies in the industry but we never get to climb the company ladder in any BPO. She with perfect attendance but gets burnt out when she sees something negative with the management and me,always dreaming high,mingling and volunteering but terminating myself if I get blocked with my paths.
We both tried job searching again and in one link,when asked one question,it triggered both of us?
Why work in the Call Center Industry again? Some would say,why not?
With the higher pay,shifting schedule plus the allowances,benefits and incentives. My answer,MONEY and the subsidized HEalthcard! Then my idealistic tag line and motto for life:now that I am 30,I want to reinvent myself (or CORRECT my wrong doings) with the industry ina newer,fresher package and that after 3 months BE PROMOTED as trainer or Quality Specialist!(you see,I'm after a TITLE now!)
We both have matured now. My friend wants to be part of HR or recruitment after 3 months. Me ,the BCS never landed in my hands so I'd stick with Training or QA dept instead.
But setting our work experiences straight,brought us to think and meditate once more.Now, with the right answers to ourselves-we want a higher pay!
Kidding aside,now she is into IP relay-I guess higher pay really is the motivation. But honestly,it's being the middleman and to have a different challenge of listening,hearing and retaining informations plus of course speed typing that we're really after. It's the natural high of being accurate and Fast!
It over the edge!
Yet,I hit 60wpm but I opted to decline because attrition is almost every week.
I guess I really am after long-term stability and my dependent's healthcard.
Good luck Ian!
May you hit 60 WPM with 98% accuracy all the time,for a long time.
Art Works Online
Jaro and Jayrob's artwork was featured
How do your kids see the world?
Arts and Crafts are reflections of society and our culture.It is indeed an expression of our experiences.Some artworks may be catalysts,asking for a change.While others are mere catharsis,completing one's healing process.

Jaro's Ben 10 Artwork
My 8 year old Jaro, is beginning to sketch like Fine Arts students do.You know,fine circles and lines to achieve balance like how cartoon and animators begin with.
And mind you ,his medium-pencils.He even collects pencils.Name it,he has every brand left unsharpened.From the cheap pencils with Spiderman or Hotwheels print to the classic 1 2 3 Monggol.He also treasures Faber Castel and the expensive HB Staedler.
But Jaro always prefer using his "Japanese pencil".He bought this environment friendly pencil at Php10 from his classmate and that kid had a box from his OFW parent based in Japan.Talk about young entrepreneurship!
While Jay,my 4 year old always narrates stories while trying to write something.Sometimes we think he may be possessed by ancient spirits while he scribbles shapes that resembles the ALIBATA-the ancient Filipino alphabet.We hope not or I need to burn incenses some more.

Jay's Alibata inspired artwork
Jay,unlike Jaro,uses Markers.He loves Pentel Pens.He also likes Pilot and may be addicted to it's fragrance.He may be getting a natural high with its odor as he writes on a clean paper and doodles using either black or blue- but never a mixture of colors.
So we opted to let him use the Crayola washable colorful pens so he would be less serious at his age making him more "colorful" than seriously uniform.
But what he and Jam,our youngest,does is,write on the wall making our home indeed a sterling sketch pad or in simplest term,one giant coloring book-which I definitely allow them to do so when they grow up,they will see what they have drawn and do the repainting or pay for the costs.Wise Momma huh!
Other than that business,I am very proud to invite you to check out the link below and see how my children see the world!
Make your child experiment too!