Art Works Online

Jaro and Jayrob's artwork was featured

How do your kids see the world?

Arts and Crafts are reflections of society and our culture.It is indeed an expression of our experiences.Some artworks may be catalysts,asking for a change.While others are mere catharsis,completing one's healing process.

Jaro's Ben 10 Artwork

My 8 year old Jaro, is beginning to sketch like Fine Arts students do.You know,fine circles and lines to achieve balance like how cartoon and animators begin with.

And mind you ,his medium-pencils.He even collects pencils.Name it,he has every brand left unsharpened.From the cheap pencils with Spiderman or Hotwheels print to the classic 1 2 3 Monggol.He also treasures Faber Castel and the expensive HB Staedler.

But Jaro always prefer using his "Japanese pencil".He bought this environment friendly pencil at Php10 from his classmate and that kid had a box from his OFW parent based in Japan.Talk about young entrepreneurship!

While Jay,my 4 year old always narrates stories while trying to write something.Sometimes we think he may be possessed by ancient spirits while he scribbles shapes that resembles the ALIBATA-the ancient Filipino alphabet.We hope not or I need to burn incenses some more.

Jay's Alibata inspired artwork

Jay,unlike Jaro,uses Markers.He loves Pentel Pens.He also likes Pilot and may be addicted to it's fragrance.He may be getting a natural high with its odor as he writes on a clean paper and doodles using either black or blue- but never a mixture of colors.

So we opted to let him use the Crayola washable colorful pens so he would be less serious at his age making him more "colorful" than seriously uniform.

But what he and Jam,our youngest,does is,write on the wall making our home indeed a sterling sketch pad or in simplest term,one giant coloring book-which I definitely allow them to do so when they grow up,they will see what they have drawn and do the repainting or pay for the costs.Wise Momma huh!

Other than that business,I am very proud to invite you to check out the link below and see how my children see the world!

Make your child experiment too!


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Momma & Sons.