Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon is More than Meets the Eye! Really , More Than to my Eye's Delight!

It only hit me this dawn, that I've come to realize the Beauty of Transformers 3 and The Machines:

1. It talks about Traitorship and Altruism- the real fave conspiracy theory twists.

2. I'm happy to be HU-MAN because my HOME PLANET ,my MOTHER Earth , is where I continue to breathe

3. And about human relationships, especially in marriage, TRUST is still sacred and it is the key, the Prism, and the only All Spark so to speak. If it's flames are out, re-think!

4. I couldn't agree more to the parent's "Family Meeting" scene where Sam's dad was re-affriming " Happy wife, Happy Life. Unhappy wife, stone cold misery for the rest of your life forever...True!..." I will follow you to the end of time."

5. We all have been LIASEd much LIES and one classic lie was our Elementary Language Teacher mispronouncing it as " lie-a-son" wahahaha

6. And lastly, this was hard for me to admit, but I'dsay it aloud anyway here in FB, Patrick Dempsey is my Greatest crush since With Honors days than the rest- Brendan Fraser, Andrew McCarthy, Ethan Hawke, Gary Oldman, Kevin Spacey and ooh Wentworth Miller ! lol

Enjoy this serenity....


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