Hashtag Hashtags #hashtag #hashtags


Not what you're thinking, baby! This hash is way too far from that other hash high.

You've seen this symbol for short messages made popular by Twitter or identi.ca. This is used in Twitter because those birdies were noisy but in all honesty, since 2003, tags were introduced ,as I may say, #Delicious-ly!!
Yes, Delicious started it all then other social software websites – such as YouTube, Technorati, and Last.fm – did the tagging. Gmail used "Labels" but earlier today Google in Google Plus (G+) has made all hashtags searchable as hyperlinks automatically leading you to a page displaying everything with that tag! I like it +1!

Still, hashtag whaat?

Tag, Metadata,Web 2.0 services,blog or event, part of a controlled vocabulary - your online identity!

In Layman's term, hashtags are used before words, phrases, names, photos, any subject or whole sentences. It is a prefix using the symbol #. For its syntax and format, that's for another discussion, but the jist is you see it like #Korn (the band) or #WaitingForForever (the movie) or even #ohmygodyoudontknowthis (a sentence). Try to search these and you would be happy with the results!

What's the use of a hashtag?

They are your “tags” used on social bookmarking sites like Twitter or even Flickr. It describes what you are posting. Say, the hashtags on G+, it uses simple word(s) to describe your chosen topic setting it in a clear and concise manner. So, if you add a hashtag, before a word, to your message, your message can be searched. But if you post the same message not using a hashtag, it may not be found .

For example:

If you post something, your post may be searchable, but not in the context you want it to be seen. Say, you want to declare "I love Thursdays". Posted. One can search using "love" or "Thursday" or even "Thursdays" but your message is lost. But if you use "#IloveThursdays", this exact post can be found with the meaning you want to convey. It's simply using the "tag" to be more PRECISE! Semantics? Let's move on.

Also for spam, advantages and disadvantages, well, I am aware hashtags are dynamic so just wait and research more about it. But for now, let's learn to use and get addicted to the Hashtags!


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