Principle of Yin & Yang, 5 elements or movements, the 12 Chinese Zodiac, Numerology, Feng Sui, Energy, Spirit, Meditation

Master Key wisdom for understanding heaven, Earth, and humanity; From vast universe to tiny materials, all the fortune of universe, our civilization and individual beings are explained by this bottomless and boundless wisdom.

What is the origin of this universe?
What is the creator of this universe?
What is the principle of this universe?

What is the purpose of this universe?
What is the purpose of our civilization?
What is the purpose of all living beings?

What is the purpose of your life?
Where did we come from?
Where are we heading for?
What is our true identity?
Who am I?

What is the true successful way of life?
What is time?
What is space?

What is spirit?
What is mind?

All these questions are simply answered by this simple and profound wisdom.


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