Shifting to a Better Cause and Higher Pay
My friend and I are oldies in the industry but we never get to climb the company ladder in any BPO. She with perfect attendance but gets burnt out when she sees something negative with the management and me,always dreaming high,mingling and volunteering but terminating myself if I get blocked with my paths.
We both tried job searching again and in one link,when asked one question,it triggered both of us?
Why work in the Call Center Industry again? Some would say,why not?
With the higher pay,shifting schedule plus the allowances,benefits and incentives. My answer,MONEY and the subsidized HEalthcard! Then my idealistic tag line and motto for life:now that I am 30,I want to reinvent myself (or CORRECT my wrong doings) with the industry ina newer,fresher package and that after 3 months BE PROMOTED as trainer or Quality Specialist!(you see,I'm after a TITLE now!)
We both have matured now. My friend wants to be part of HR or recruitment after 3 months. Me ,the BCS never landed in my hands so I'd stick with Training or QA dept instead.
But setting our work experiences straight,brought us to think and meditate once more.Now, with the right answers to ourselves-we want a higher pay!
Kidding aside,now she is into IP relay-I guess higher pay really is the motivation. But honestly,it's being the middleman and to have a different challenge of listening,hearing and retaining informations plus of course speed typing that we're really after. It's the natural high of being accurate and Fast!
It over the edge!
Yet,I hit 60wpm but I opted to decline because attrition is almost every week.
I guess I really am after long-term stability and my dependent's healthcard.
Good luck Ian!
May you hit 60 WPM with 98% accuracy all the time,for a long time.