Anatomy 101

Jayrob,my middle child was asking me a lot of questions lately.

As a three year old he has been interested so much on so many questions about our body.

It's time for the birds and the bees...

1.Mama,why are our eyes round?so that you can see the whole world in all angles.

2.Mama,what is the use of ugat?So that you can have a fluid movement and be able to reach out.
(FYI,their father has radial nerve palsy so they know how hard it is to move with a destroyed nerve from arm down to the fingers .)

3.Why is there a hole in your tootoo?because that's where babies normally come out from birth.And that's somehow painful for moms yet cheaper>that was how you were delivered.
3.2 But why is it that there is a slice on your tummy?because when I gave birth to Jamyro(our youngest) he was so big that he can't come out from my tootoo so the doctors had to slice me up.

4.Why are mothers with breasts? First,we are called Mamas derived from the word "mamma"-ry glands where moms are able to produce milk so that we may provide you nourishment and protection from certain diseases when you drink from our milk.

5.Why do boys don't have what girls have?So that there will be differences, balance to complement,meaning to share and give back in this world.

Was I using the appropriate words and on the right track answering his queries?I guess so.


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