Theft on ATMS

My Mom had her bag taken at the Mall when a man said her money fell on the ground. We were not able to recover the cash and the mobile phones but the cards and other important documents were thrown an a gasoline station that was almost 3 hr drive away from that mall. And this is one tip I received from a friend for the least defense we can do when one robs us at our ATMs

When a thief forces you to take money from the ATM, do not argue or resist. You might not know what he or she might do to you. What you should do is to punch your PIN in the reverse mode.
I.e. if your PIN # is 1254, you punch 4521.The moment you punch in the reverse mode, the money will come out, but will be stuck into the machine half way out and it will alert the Police (security) without the notice of the thief. Every ATM has it; it is specially made to signify danger and help. Not everyone is aware of this.

An ounce of prevention...


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Momma & Sons.