International Book Day

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It's a mad, mad day on April 25 as Instituto Cervantes lets out the books at the Día del Libro celebrations. From 10 am to 12 midnight, bibliophiles can get their hands on a wide selection of books – children and young adult titles, dictionaries, novels, and non-fiction titles – at the Día del Libro book fair! Available at even madder prices, brand new books go for as low as Php20.00. And to make the deal even sweeter, Instituto Cervantes gives a red rose with every purchase. Also get a chance to mingle with your favorite authors as they grace this event, signing copies of their latest works. Anvil Publishing, A Different Bookstore, and Powerbooks are also there, offering books at a huge 20% discount! In addition to all these, get to taste the rich Spanish culture with poetry readings, film showings, and a dance concert featuring renowned choreographer and dance master, Myra Beltran. Free Spanish lessons and guided tours await visitors during this whole day event. In the evening, Instituto Cervantes transforms into party central as fabulous dance performances, overflowing Spanish food, and festive Latin music cap off Día del Libro. All this is in celebration of Día Internacional del Libro (International Book Day), an event that aims to promote the love for reading and the written word. Regularly observed on the 23rd of April, International Book Day was inspired by a tradition from Barcelona, Spain that celebrates St. George's Day, where men and women exchange a rose for the gift of a book.


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