In my Dreams

Teletech Nova is always in my dreams

True,I can't get over it! People in Teletech Nova is always in my dreams-every night!
Maybe because I was close to having my dream job there and because I was not able to ENDURE. But it's funny,because every night ,I dream of the people I was with during Project Smiles,the same faces who opened,fumigated and made a mark to the site.
But seriously now,I know why, It's my seperation pay!
Thanks to Joey from HCD,he was brave enough to tell my mom about my CHECK sitting there for almost 3 months now. So given the 0800-1200 or 2200-0200 "visiting/pick up schedule",I went there armed with 2 valid IDs and my cedula. I was also able to chat with Chloe,T,and Clarence. Brian,my very first Product Trainer,who is now one of THE Managers, was all smiles asking me "Are you back?"
I just smiled back and answered "I'm at the other side now"
And most of it all,I was also able to see THE AJ M.-the brilliant gem of TeleTech.
These people has always been the real grounded higher management and the reason my heart will always be with TeleTech SITE 3/Nova DC!
Advance Happy Anniversary Nova!

I shall return.....


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