Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Better Cause and Higher Pay


Shifting to a Better Cause and Higher Pay

My friend and I are oldies in the industry but we never get to climb the company ladder in any BPO. She with perfect attendance but gets burnt out when she sees something negative with the management and me,always dreaming high,mingling and volunteering but terminating myself if I get blocked with my paths.
We both tried job searching again and in one link,when asked one question,it triggered both of us?

Why work in the Call Center Industry again? Some would say,why not?

With the higher pay,shifting schedule plus the allowances,benefits and incentives. My answer,MONEY and the subsidized HEalthcard! Then my idealistic tag line and motto for life:now that I am 30,I want to reinvent myself (or CORRECT my wrong doings) with the industry ina newer,fresher package and that after 3 months BE PROMOTED as trainer or Quality Specialist!(you see,I'm after a TITLE now!)

We both have matured now. My friend wants to be part of HR or recruitment after 3 months. Me ,the BCS never landed in my hands so I'd stick with Training or QA dept instead.

But setting our work experiences straight,brought us to think and meditate once more.Now, with the right answers to ourselves-we want a higher pay!

Kidding aside,now she is into IP relay-I guess higher pay really is the motivation. But honestly,it's being the middleman and to have a different challenge of listening,hearing and retaining informations plus of course speed typing that we're really after. It's the natural high of being accurate and Fast!

It over the edge!

Yet,I hit 60wpm but I opted to decline because attrition is almost every week.
I guess I really am after long-term stability and my dependent's healthcard.
Good luck Ian!

May you hit 60 WPM with 98% accuracy all the time,for a long time.

Art Works Online


Jaro and Jayrob's artwork was featured

How do your kids see the world?

Arts and Crafts are reflections of society and our culture.It is indeed an expression of our experiences.Some artworks may be catalysts,asking for a change.While others are mere catharsis,completing one's healing process.

Jaro's Ben 10 Artwork

My 8 year old Jaro, is beginning to sketch like Fine Arts students do.You know,fine circles and lines to achieve balance like how cartoon and animators begin with.

And mind you ,his medium-pencils.He even collects pencils.Name it,he has every brand left unsharpened.From the cheap pencils with Spiderman or Hotwheels print to the classic 1 2 3 Monggol.He also treasures Faber Castel and the expensive HB Staedler.

But Jaro always prefer using his "Japanese pencil".He bought this environment friendly pencil at Php10 from his classmate and that kid had a box from his OFW parent based in Japan.Talk about young entrepreneurship!

While Jay,my 4 year old always narrates stories while trying to write something.Sometimes we think he may be possessed by ancient spirits while he scribbles shapes that resembles the ALIBATA-the ancient Filipino alphabet.We hope not or I need to burn incenses some more.

Jay's Alibata inspired artwork

Jay,unlike Jaro,uses Markers.He loves Pentel Pens.He also likes Pilot and may be addicted to it's fragrance.He may be getting a natural high with its odor as he writes on a clean paper and doodles using either black or blue- but never a mixture of colors.

So we opted to let him use the Crayola washable colorful pens so he would be less serious at his age making him more "colorful" than seriously uniform.

But what he and Jam,our youngest,does is,write on the wall making our home indeed a sterling sketch pad or in simplest term,one giant coloring book-which I definitely allow them to do so when they grow up,they will see what they have drawn and do the repainting or pay for the costs.Wise Momma huh!

Other than that business,I am very proud to invite you to check out the link below and see how my children see the world!

Make your child experiment too!

Pioneers are Confident.They do not scrutinize people down!


Job Hunting

If you happen to look for a job,go apply in a good company with well-paid employees. With a good and diligent hardworking HR department and a friendly interviewer.

I had my worst job interviewer ever in QC,remember?

But with this pioneer company,they acted so professional that they did not belittle nor judged their applicants.

Indeed,that is what it takes to be a Leader in the industry!

The Return of the Yaya


Nanny oh Nanny

It's marvelous how she returned from six feet under.
And she is back with her daughter and a 2 month old baby in her womb.
Tell me,now that work is coming for me,should I take her back in?
She should watch over my children but prioritizes her 3 year old daughter.
She should do most of the chores but with her growing baby in the tummy,I find it hard to make her do the laundry and iron the clothes.
Is it worth returning after all?

Please help me decide my money's worth.

Talking about money, you guys could help us out by clicking some ads on the right. Itd surely help to bring my kids to school. And for the groceries and bills to pay.


Launch the Stars in You


Happy Birthday Cousin!!!
I can't wait to read your career launch here in blogspot.
It's just easy if you want o write about anything.
But given the opportunity to earn from blogging,each story should have some commercial value.Plus you have to try and focus on a certain niche.Attack the smallest and the micro market so people will have the interest to read the article then somebody aelse will place an advertisement.When someone visits your blogspot ,with a different IP address and clicks on the ad in there,that's when the money comes in.
Like this for example,I may be just greeting you but i can discuss blogging or even birthday cakes.
For example,which chocolate cake do you like to have-Goldilocks or Red Ribbbon's?
Then expound on the idea and type in tons of keywords to add to SEO .
That's professional blogging in it's simplest sense!
Keep it coming,cousin.
Big widget Bucks for us.

Second Moms


Tales of our Nannies

Aside from the "real"mothers,I want to greet the yayas or the house maids out there a Belated Happy Mother's Day too.

Having a yaya for my three boys has been a constant struggle.
For the past 15 days, I have a 19 year old who will be leaving pretty soon.

Sometimes,when they leave,It's makes me paranoid why they haven't given me any disclosure.

I personally had a yaya from the time I was 3 until I was at sixth grade.She eventually left me so she can take care of her love life.Now she has a family of her own and that's the last news about her.

With my eldest son,his one and only yaya is our stay out Momma Merciful.Up to now,she having her own grandchildren,in time of need,when duty calls,she would commute for say,45 minutes a day to watch over my kids.Super dependable and indispensable Mama Mercy,THANK YOU.

The yaya of Jay,my middle child,was from my husband's family but she opted to get hitched and settled in Bicol.It bugs my husband because she was never to marry but she did.I hope everything's ok with Emi or Salome.(she uses different names still)

Then the Manang Biko yaya.She would cook for 2 hours specially her rice cake-biko.The not so nice thing about her,she lets her daughter sleep over our super tiny unit anytime they want to without me knowing anything or whenever.Respect and SPACE is an issue with Ate Marina.

The most grateful yaya was Jamyro's Ate Nising. She left Cebu with a child,went back to work but asked for a vacation to Cebu and when she went back to our house we can not take her back in because that was the time my husband had to stay in the house to heal from the surgery and accident and we can not afford having 2 yayas anymore.Now, Nising is in Tarlac taking care of 3 boys hoping she will also be with her boss in Dubai.

The recent yaya is a single mom and is the most silent one.But remember,silent water runs deep and so on the 16th of Feb,she left and never came back.
Last news about her was,she went back to her forbidden husband to start a new life.GoodLuck Cons.And please get your clothes anytime during the day ASAP!

I guess with all the yayas of my kids,them taking time to be a mom to these crazy boys,I take my hats off.

It's just that when they have to go,I loose my job.

And tomorrow I may never land a career just yet.


Housemaids, Nanny, Yaya


Job Hunting should be Fun

How can a receptionist be so STOIC with pouts and frowns?
Maybe she thinks to project like she is auditioning for a Modelling job.

How can an interviewer be so unattentive?
Maybe he just takes in what he wants to hear that's why he DEMANDED YOU to shorten and never explain your answers.

How can another interviewer be so irate and make faces when asking you questions?
Maybe when he programmed his mind to say I CAN NOT understand you Ma'am,he really meant I DO NOT WANT TO UNDERSTAND YOU Ma'am.

And how can HE so be so destructive that he keeps erasing what he has written on your application form as you answer his question?
Well,he is not really listening nor hearing you ALL THE TIME.

How can this person be so judgmental that for him you having 6 jobs and not staying long is a no no for HIS Company?
He said to work on your attendance.where to?you have no company to work it on anymore.How to prove then?And why would you come back to HIS COMPANY when you have improved from others??duh

How can he underestimate MOTHERS???
How can he put you down and say to just take care of your family especially your kids first.Oh my!Oh my!

How can this person live this way????
Well,EVIL exists in the midst of our time.

Happy Mother's Day to All Moms!!!
Thank you for the card Jaro,Jay and Jamy.
Thank you for the migraine Papa!
Keep the chocolates coming though

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