Dear Kuya,
I was asking myself earlier how to best celebrate Earth Hour. And I thought of answering " With your Children" Or maybe this time, the answer may come as just " to be young at heart,too!" Then it reminded me we had no photos to brag about nor post so I just started reminiscing how we used to celebrate it.
The first time we celebrated Earth Hour was when we all went out the condo unit and stayed at the foyer. Do you remember where Ading Johannes was? In the stroller (and its a passed on stroller from you Kuyas).
You guys were not afraid of the dark. Jay and Jam were even excited turning the lights off. There was the usual "Lights out" spiel but it was not asking and commanding for your "sleeping time". It was a different call and you guys were all excited to the idea. And while in the dark, no one cried. Why? because underneath the stroller was the carrier complete with all the chichiria and water bottles. ( Or maybe the reason was more celebratory than that)
It was scheduled to last for an hour, close to Papa's ETA, but we were all feeling alright embraced by the darkness. Add the fact that you had the citronella lotion and spray. You guys were not impatient because we started the count down, sang and ran. Shadows were even created when you played with the candlelight. It was the simplest submission and gift to Mother Earth as I did not allow any of your battery operated toys nor the flashlight to keep you company.
When Papa arrived, he at first did not engage to the idea because he said other tenants may find us weird. But what made it more challenging was inviting the others to join us. Telling them why and what is Earth Hour from our perspective made it worthwhile because hearing it from you and your younger brothers with Ate, made it a mini campaign in the building.
Today, at 2030hr until 2130hr, is yet another celebration. But this time it is different because you guys are far from me. What I suggest you to do there is to have fun, enjoy and be stare with awe upon looking at the bright stars in San Antonio. Although compared here in the Metro, having Earth Hour there is usual and can be everyday with lesser buildings and establishments in "Camp".
I feel it is even more poetic for you guys now. In the midst of the darkness comes your fiddle. You may play a tune or two with Jay.
But Anak, this is just Mama's input. What Earth Hour teaches us all depends on you. Your impression and learning to this celebration hones your values and choices to continue the "tradition" . It is also an engine to ignite what legacy you could contribute soon being the next generation.
Even if I long spending Earth Hours with you, please be en"light"ened that even with or without me, with or without your brothers, it is still one worthwhile cause. And may you be happy celebrating it with the rest of the world-our broader family!
Happy Earth Hour 4Js. Be Happy!
Hugs and Light,