Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Djembe Workshop at Bali Hai in Manila 2012


With my 4 kidz here in Manila with me tomorrow, I'd let them meet and greet, not those cartoon characters nor see the fireworks display and Holiday lights at the Mall grounds, but, jam with other band of brothers, perhaps their soon to be mentors and masters.

There is a superb event and I hope to tag my kids along. It's The Intensive Djembe Workshop. This is open to all drummers, enthusiasts, players and musicians tomorrow, 28th December 2012 from 10am until 6pm at Bali Hai Garden Restaurant on 37 Visayas Avenue, Quezon City. (That's where we usually gather for Jayson Dyandi, Tapati and Co.'s Luna Festival)

They say that the workshop will ignite us to learn the basics from Josh Tabije and the rest of the gang. Josh, FYI , has been playing the drums since 2003. Shortly after, he was blessed to have his first few djembe classes and he was exposed to the mastery of Mamady Keita. Josh then felt that the djembe would become a major part of his life. True enough, to its fruition, he was able to work closely with some of the pre-eminent djembefola from Africa like that of Moussa Bolokada Conde and Famoudou Konate. He also worked with Fode Seydou Bangoura and a number of Master African dance teachers in the US. Josh is visiting us like Kit Perez and Galih Naga Seno (an Indonesian djembe maker and player for 12 years and who hails from a family of prominent Indonesian artists. And with the Manila-based "drum advocates" who, too, are masters in their own rights - Jayson Dyandi (percussionist, djembe maker, didjeroo player)and ,Levi Azarcon (drummer and student of Ma'am Ligaya Amilbangsa of the Pangalay Artist Circle - I call them the caretakers and advocates of the Tausug's Pangalay), to name a few, let's start to learn the basics from them, have fun playing and do improvisations with the exhilarating rhythms of a djembe! Peace!

One thing I admire about this batch of djembe artists is that, they too, promote, build and create djembes. It was through Tambulan and drumming circles where I met them and somehow, they, indeed, taught us, unified and empowered a mixed level community class, may it be a private or a small group lesson. Josh for one has performed all over the US and Guinea, West Africa and has assisted workshops for the Masters Mamady Keita and Bolokada Conde . Gimme some beat!

Tara! Let's join the workshop tomorrow or you may contact Ryan Sandagan, Jayson Dyandi or Levi Azarcon through their Facebook Accounts. They also created a website where you can register and it is at:

The Fair Energy Exchange is set at PHP1,200 with free food from Bali Hai's cuisine or PHP1,000 if it's justfor the workshop only and other BYO's. Hmmm, how would my set up be with my four kids? Bathala nawa.

Btw, for those who don't have or can't bring their djembes, DYANDI PERCUSSION is offering djembe rentals at PHP300.

Also, you might want to stay tuned to Sabi ni Lourd at 92.3FM tomorrow for the ON AIR interview,jam and etc. of these few good djembefolas around 1900-2000hr.

As what I always utter, tugudung tsak tsak, tsing! Palo!

Kosi in Manila 2012

When I volunteered for OHM Talks this Dec 1-2, great opportunities and abundance has been happening lately to me. I've finally realized and emitted that grey mist from my heart through a holistic MD friend. I was uncertain on so many things the past week , but that Sunday, during OHM's closing performance, I've affirmed above anything else, being a Mother, a daughter and a friend is my core purpose. I've finally learned to let go of all the things I'm reclaiming. No need for 10 years to process each want. Some needs must be resolved. I felt stronger and more equipped to give back to the immediate people tied up with me - my very own umbilical cord and navel.

Another letting go and moving forward adventure would be to finally take in, receive and know what Satsang is. It is through Kosi, a globally recognized spiritual teacher and author and who has been a student of Gangaji since 2001, that I may be able to do so. (To know more about Kosi, please visit her page:

"Since I am new to the Philippines I don't really know how many people will be interested in satsang; it is always a great mystery who has a deep desire to be Free---to end their suffering" - Kosi

We meet in the sacred space of Satsang to discover what is free of suffering, free of our circumstances, and even free of ideas of freedom, enlightenment, or states of consciousness. In this meeting of the Heart you can discover directly, intimately, the happiness, fulfillment, and freedom of your inherent nature. The purpose of satsang and all meetings that Kosi offers, is to stop your mind and offer you and opportunity to end your suffering.

To support Kosi in her travels and mission, we humbly ask for donations or any energy exchange for those attending the Satsang.

Here is Kosi's meeting schedule:

Manila Philippines

Satsang with Kosi
Wednesday November 28, 2012
4 - 6PM

Occupy Your Higher Mind (OHM) Conference
December 1-2, 2012
Speaking Engagement - Dec 1, 2012 (10:00am)

Satsang with Kosi
Tuesday December 4, 2012
7 - 8:30PM

Satsang with Kosi at Ripples Books and Gifts Store
Thursday December 6, 2012
7 - 8:30PM

For inquiries and reservations, call/text 340-1214, 655-1982, 0922-8871158 or email ♥

Satsang with Kosi at WhiteSpace , Katipunan
Friday December 7, 2012 (REIKI GROUP)
7 - 8:30PM

Living Freedom
Weekend Retreat with Kosi
December 8-9, 2012

A last stop for me, perhaps. But my listening to Satsang tonight will be the beginning of brighter things to my NOW.


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