Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Estero Tour for Bloggers by ABS CBN Foundation Inc.

What is a Blogger?

A blogger is a writer on the Internet cloud who maintains a “blog” or a web log for discussion and as an informal site. The entries or “posts” are according to a chronological order like an online diary, journal, record of some kind. Having a niche or a target market , bloggers act as producers, writers, reporters and publicists to be able to add to the contents and posts and also create a social relation with the viewers, readers and members.

Most blogs are commentary on topics close and personal to them. Some are online diaries yet others acts as reviewers for a particular brand, product or even company. Some focus on special interests like gadgets , auto reviews, art, photography, videos, films, music, and the latest are podcasts for audio ones. Short posts are called microblogging. There are also edubloggers as instructional references. Bottomline is, a blogger has the ability to create her own identity and has the direct control in maintaining her blog for personal or commercial reasons.

I saw a very interesting post in Facebook by ABS CBN Foundation’s Kapit Bisig Para sa Ilog Pasig . They made a very catchy call for bloggers. I immediately called my blogger friends to join because it is for a very worthy cause- a Bloggers Estero Tour on Sept 25 2012 from 9am to 1pm hosted by Casa Bocobo Hotel in Ermita, Manila. They will be screened and will be emailed to experience a walking tour tasked to blog about the Great Change done in Estero de Paco and Estero de San Miguel . All these to disseminate information and support the cleaning up and bringing back the pristine beauty of the Mutya, The Pasig River.

You too might want to join. First 20 bloggers must comment on their FB link by putting their live blog and its url. Signing up is until September 19 2012 . And maybe, just maybe, you can get up close and personal to Ms. Gina Lopez and share this experience with all her visionary gifts and energy.

I am one proud blogger and this will allow me to reconnect indeed!

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