Thursday, March 27, 2025

1st Baybayin Glass Painting


The transparency of glass.
The fluidity of water,
The vibrancy of colors
These are the elements of an art form that incorporates Filipino culture, scientific insight, contemporary art and the intention of healing.

Positive words,
Vibrant images,
Uplifting thoughts,
inscribed in Baybayin, the Ancient script of our ancestors, and painted on glass could open the gates for healing the self, our country, humanity and the environment.

A Japanese author who made an experiment of exposing water in glasses to different words and pictures, discovered that water can indeed react to words and vibrations. Positive thoughts and affirming words can form beautiful water crystals.

Painting on glass as a form of expression,
Learning the basics of the ancient Baybayin,
Healing with words, images and thoughts
These and more in a workshop that invites the artist within and affirms the Filipino soul.

In this workshop, Contemporary Art meets Indigenous Filipino Culture for building a Consciousness towards human and ecological wellness.

This Baybayin Glass Painting
as an art form is having its debut in your hands.

A creative collaboration of GINHAWA, SANGHABI and “MY-ART”

For more information please go to the link below:



Minifred P. Gavino

Mobile: 0928 5545824
Landline: 4410658

This speaks for itself...

Kids say the darnest things


Mom listening to her young son playing with his train set

A mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his train set in the living room…

She heard the train stop and her son said, “All of you sons of bitches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of bitches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we’re going down the tracks.”

The mother ran in the room and told her son, “We don’t use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for two hours. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language.”

Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, “All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon.” She hears the little boy continue, “For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today.”

As the mother began to smile, the child added, “For those of you who are pissed off about the two hour delay, please see the bitch in the kitchen.”

Click for Clean Air: Photo Contest for Better Air Quality


We are having a photo contest for Better Air Quality (BAQ) 2010 Conference!

This contest is kinda informal, and meant to be fun, and aims to celebrate the achievements and highlight the needs of Asian countries in the effort to clean the air in the region.

Eight winners will get bragging rights and a display space for their winning photos in the exhibition area of the BAQ Conference to be held this November 9-11 in Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore! The best photos will also be featured in the Year 2012 Calendar of the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia), with expected distribution to over 200 organizational members and 8 country networks in Asia! That’s a lot of publicity for a winning photo, eh? :-)

To join, just send us a picture you think best represents clean air, an activity related to clean air, or actions to help keep the air clean. E-mail to until September 10 (Friday). By September 20, the BAQ Secretariat will upload 20 shortlisted photos in our Clean Air Portal and we will let the public pick the winners!

Here are the rules:
1. Send a file copy of your photo/s in .jpg format with minimum resolution of 300 dpi or 4MB and a short explanation on why you think it qualifies.

2. E-mail submissions must state that the photographer permits CAI-Asia Center to use the photo in any promotional materials or program (non-commercial of course!), provided that the photographer shall be properly acknowledged and that the intellectual property rights remains with the photographer.

3. Send as many pictures as you like so long as you actually took the picture, and that they are relevant to the topic.

4. Submit you photos by September 10 (Friday) to Don’t forget to include the following details:

Personal Information



E-mail Address:



Photo Information


File Name:

Date Taken:


Camera Used:

Indicate Model:

To Vote:
1. 20 photos will be shortlisted by the CAI-Asia Center. Photographers of the Top 20 photos will be notified by email prior to uploading in

2. Public voting on the Top 20 submitted photos will begin on September 20 – plenty of time for you to start campaigning. A bonus of US$500 will be given to the photo entry with the most number of votes! :-)
3. Each member of the Clean Air Portal gets one vote (note: you and your friends will have to sign up at to be able to vote!)
4. Vote by leaving a comment on the picture like, "My Favorite", or "You've got my vote", or "I am Superman"...ok that last one's a little obscure, but you get the drift.
5. Voting will end on October 8, Friday. Winners will be announced on October 15!

Remember, this is for fun! AND, you contribute to a great cause in helping CAI-Asia promote better air quality in Asia! So go ahead, explore your world and start clicking your cameras for clean air in Asia!

Good luck to everyone :-)

- BAQ 2010 Secretariat

The Southeast Asian Student Documentary Award

a competition to encourage the art of documentary filmmaking in the region, using the medium of film and television as a platform to engage with pressing environmental issues.

The competition involves the participation of Cambodia , Indonesia , Thailand and the Philippines inviting students aged 18 – 25 to submit a short documentary film (maximum 15 min. in length) on the subject of biodiversity by October 15, 2010. FOR THE PHILIPPINES , ENTRIES MUST FOCUS ON THE THEME OF BIODIVERSITY IN AND AROUND THE PASIG RIVER .

A jury of film, television and science experts in each country will make a selection of three films and the national winners will participate in an intensive hands-on workshop for regional participants in Thailand on nature documentary filmmaking and the subject of biodiversity from November 25 – 30, 2010. All travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers.

The three overall regional winners are selected by an international jury and receive a cash prize of 500 US$ each. Furthermore, the first place winner receives a production budget for a feature length documentary (up to 5,000 US$) to be included in the Science Film Festival 2011.


Theme Outline:

Biodiversity encompasses the variety of life in its entirety – from the global ecosystem to the genetic diversity of individuals within a species to the microcosms that can be found in a drop of water. The focus on biodiversity should remind us that no living organism lives in isolation, but is a part of a chain of interdependence that constitutes the precarious balance of the natural world – a balance that has increasingly and dangerously come under threat through the effects of environmentally negligent human activities.

Biodiversity is a fundamental part of the earth’s support system and its effects on human life are far-reaching and consequential. Continued loss of biodiversity at the existing rate will have a drastic impact on food security, industrial materials, medicine and overall natural heritage for future generations. The competition asks student filmmakers: What does biodiversity mean to you? What effects do you witness in your local environment related to changing climate patterns and the influence of human activities? FOR THE PHILIPPINES , ENTRIES MUST FOCUS ON THE THEME OF BIODIVERSITY IN AND AROUND THE PASIG RIVER .

SEADocs gives voice to the views of the upcoming generation of filmmakers and challenges viewers to refocus their attention on the issue and to react to the cases made by the young directors.


Submission Guidelines:

1) The online application form must be filled out at with acknowledgment that the submission guidelines have been read and understood.

2) Eligible applicants are students aged 18 – 25 before the application deadline. Only one student per film is invited to the regional workshop. Professionals in television and film are not entitled to enter the competition.

3) Eligible entries are short documentary and docudrama films on the subject of biodiversity with a running time of maximum 15 minutes in length (including opening and closing credits).

4) Final entry deadline: Entries must be postmarked by October 15, 2010 or earlier.

5) Mail all entries to:


c/o Bevs Beltran


4/f ABS-CBN Foundation

Mo. Ignacia Ave. corner Eugenio Lopez Jr. St .

1103 Quezon City

6) Entries are to be submitted in DVD format together with a printed and signed copy of the application form. Films may be in English, Thai, Khmer, Tagalog or Bahasa. Entries must have a full transcription of all dialogue and narration for translation purposes to be accepted into the shortlist round.

7) Films that are submitted must be the entrant’s original work and shall not infringe on any copyrights. Contestants agree that they have obtained all required permissions regarding music, sound and images presented in the film. By entering the competition, the entrant agrees that SEADocs will not be held liable for any copyright infringements perpetrated by the entrant or the film. SEADocs reserves the right to not screen any film(s) for any reason it deems valid.

8) Entry materials submitted will not be returned to the entrant. SEADocs is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, misdirected, postage due, stolen, or misappropriated entries.

9) Regional short list participants are selected by a local judging panel of film professionals and biodiversity experts who may be substituted at the discretion of the competition organizers. Shortlisted films will be subtitled with English language. All entries are judged equally based on these four areas: Content (quality of factual story telling, relevance to the thematic subject and original approach to the theme), Production (cinematography, lighting, and composition), Post-Production (editing, transitions, pacing and continuity), Sound Quality (clarity, consistency of audio levels, and lack of noise).

10) Regional winners are selected by an international judging panel of film professionals and biodiversity experts who may be substituted at the discretion of the competition organizers. All entries are judged equally based on the same criteria as the shortlist.

11) Shortlist candidates will be announced October 29, 2010 by e-mail and will also be listed on the website The regional winner and runner-ups will be announced at the competition award ceremony during the closing gala of the Science Film Festival in Bangkok, Thailand on December 1, 2010.

12) The first three regional winners as selected by the international jury panel each receive a cash prize of 500 US$. The first place winner receives a budget of up to 5,000 US$ to produce a feature documentary to be included in the Science Film Festival 2011.

13) Applicants entering the competition declare themselves available to attend the compulsory workshop from November 25 – 30, 2010 in Thailand. The organizers cover travel and accommodation costs.

14) By entering SEADocs, contestants agree to accept and be bound by the decisions of the competition and its judges, which are final and binding in all matters. The entrant agrees to be bound by all terms of these official competition rules and regulations as established herein.


For further information please visit or call Bevs Beltran at 924-4101 loc. 3786.

Magdamagang Pukpukan!

21 taon na ang Kontemporaryong Gamelan Pilipino!

at sa kauna-unahang panahon sa kasaysayan ng UP…

* 21-hour marathon performance
* sa driveway/lobby ng UP Theater
* mula hatinggabi 00:01 hanggang alas-9 ng gabi
* sa araw ng Miyerkoles 08 Setyembre 2010

sa pakikipag-ugnayan sa Departamento ng Kasaysayan, karugtong ng pagdiriwang ng "Linggo ng Kasaysayan"

Inaanyayahan po ang mga alumni, mga kapanalig at mga kaibigan... magkita-kita po tayo! :D

Theft on ATMS

My Mom had her bag taken at the Mall when a man said her money fell on the ground. We were not able to recover the cash and the mobile phones but the cards and other important documents were thrown an a gasoline station that was almost 3 hr drive away from that mall. And this is one tip I received from a friend for the least defense we can do when one robs us at our ATMs

When a thief forces you to take money from the ATM, do not argue or resist. You might not know what he or she might do to you. What you should do is to punch your PIN in the reverse mode.
I.e. if your PIN # is 1254, you punch 4521.The moment you punch in the reverse mode, the money will come out, but will be stuck into the machine half way out and it will alert the Police (security) without the notice of the thief. Every ATM has it; it is specially made to signify danger and help. Not everyone is aware of this.

An ounce of prevention...

UP FILM CENTER this September



MKAK by Tj Trinidad
Sept 2 (Thu) / 7 pm

Sept 8 (Wed) / 7 pm

Sept 16 (Thu) / 7 pm

SHEIKA by Arnel Mardoquio
Sept 21 (Tue) / 7 pm

Sep 22 - 30

SEP 22 / Wed
1pm - Judo Saga ( Sugata Sanshiro)
4:30pm - To Live (Ikiru)
7:00pm - The Bad Sleep Well

SEP 23 / Thu
1:00pm - High and Low
4:30pm - The Hidden Fortress
7:00pm - No Regrets for Our Youth

SEP 24 / Fri
1:00pm - Yojimbo (aka The Bodyguard)
4:30pm - Red Beard

SEP 25 / Sat
1:00pm - Seven Samurai
4:30pm - In the Woods ( Rashomon)
7:00pm - One Wonderful Sunday

SEP 27 / Mon
1:00pm - The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail
4:30pm - The Lower Depths
7:00pm - Sanjuro

SEP 28 / Tue
4:30pm - Judo Saga Part 2 ( Zoku Sugata SAnshiro)
7:00pm - Stray Dog

SEP 29 / Wed
1:00pm - Dodes'kaden
4:30pm - The Most Beautiful
7:00pm - Drunken Angel

SEP 30 / Thu
4:30pm - Throne of Blood
7:00pm - I Live in Fear


Sep3 - 17

Sep3 / Fri / 5pm & 7pm

Sep10 / Fri / 5pm & 7pm

Sep17/ Fri / 5pm & 7pm

In memory of ALEXIS TIOSECO (1981- 2009)
Sep 15 (Wed) / 12noon - 12 midnight


Isang Eksibit Tungkol sa Karapatang Pantao
UGATLahi Artist Collective
September 10 – 17

September 14 – October 1

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