Thursday, March 27, 2025

Invitation to The Quantum-Touch Live Workshop

conducted By Nancy Ho

(www.nancyhoacademy .com)

The Quantum-Touch represents a major breakthrough in the art of hands-on healing. Whether you are a complete novice, a professional chiropractor, physical therapist, body worker, healer, or other health professional, The Quantum-Touch allows you a dimension of power in your work that heretofore has not seemed possible.

This course clearly teaches you to use special breathing techniques to raise your energy level so high that with a slight touch, you can see postural corrections spontaneously occur as bones gently glide back into their correct alignment. Beyond this, pain and inflammation are rapidly reduced and healing is reduced and healing is profoundly accelerated. The work is so easy that even children naturally learn to do it, yet so powerful, it is endorsed by physicians, acupuncturists and chiropractors. Since the body knows how to heal itself, the practitioner need only apply the energy to affected areas. For the millions suffering from neck or back pain, this may be the safest, fastest and most effective treatment ever discovered.

The Quantum-Touch can also be applied to a wide variety of situations such as distant healing, to help balance emotional distress, or even to heal your pets. The future is now and The Quantum-Touch is not only a profound discovery, but also an essential human skill.

Here are just some of the things you will learn:

* You will learn a series of breathing and body awareness exercises to help you focus and amplify life-force energy. This is the core technique that is used in The Quantum-Touch. It is so easy and natural to learn, we’ve had little children and great grandparents pick it up easily. I’m sure that you will too.

* You will learn how to bring down pain and inflammation in record time. All by itself, this is an invaluable skill. It seems that there are always people in pain and it is a blessing to have something you can do to really help.

* You will learn that you can absolutely observe bones automatically adjusting themselves with a light touch.(Actually, the body moves them into correct alignment. You don’t have to figure it out any more than you need to understand how you digest your breakfast.) This may well be the easiest as well as the most effective way to reduce or eliminate back pain.

* You will learn how to help reduce or eliminate back pain and get faster and better results than you have ever thought possible. We have dozens of chiropractors that are now using The Quantum-Touch because it is so effective.

* You will learn how to use an extraordinary distant healing method to get truly outstanding results. When those you love are not near and you want to help, don’t feel helpless because there is something significant you can do. Distant healing with The Quantum-Touch is tremendously effective.

* You will learn how to amplify the power of your sessions by work with Chakras, Toning and Vortexing the life-force energy. This truly ups the power of your sessions tremendously.

* You will learn to use the Amplified Resonance Technique to turbo charge your own sessions so they have a power similar to a group sessions. This is the most powerful technique presented in the book, video or basic workshop. This allows individuals to run energy as if they were a whole group of people.

* You will learn how to work with pets and other animals. It’s a great joy to use this work with animals as they usually respond amazingly quickly.


“The Quantum-Touch is a significant breakthrough in hands-on healing… an essential and invaluable skill for every lay person and professional practitioner.”

-- Alternative Medicine Magazine

“The Quantum-Touch appears to be the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers.”

-- Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

“The Quantum-Touch is a remarkably effective and easily learned method of generating powerful healing energy.”

-- Dr. William S. Eidelman, M.D.

Workshop Details

Date : 22nd & 23rd May 2010 (Sat & Sun)

Time : 9.00am - 6.00pm

Venue : New World Hotel

Esperanza Street Corner Makati Ave,

Makati City, 1228 Philippines

Fee : 9455 PHP (early bird registration)

11055 PHP

(Normal Fee – 6 days prior to commencement of course)

Reservations and Inquiry: Please contact Ms. Nancy Ho at


Powerbooks:"What's On Your Shelf?" Online Promo


(Click to Zoom)

Promo period: May 1 to 30, 2010
Submission of Entries: May 1 to May 15, 2010
Voting Period: May 16 to May 30, 2010
Announcement of Winners: June 1, 2010


1. Be a Fan of Powerbooks Facebook Fanpage
2. Submit a photo of you and your bookshelf at home and incorporate Powerbooks as part of the shelf (you may use Powerbooks collaterals such as paper bags, plastic bags etc to "brand" your shelf or you may create your own)
3. Shelf should include:

Bookshelf at home, or anything you use to store your books (it doesn't have to be a traditional shelf, it can be a study table, a cabinet etc)
Books you have read and/or currently reading
Powerbooks branding (can be achieved by use of store collaterals such as plastic bag, paper bag or you can make your own. Example: a printout of the official logo of Powerbooks adorning you shelf)
You. You should be in the picture together with your shelf.
4. E-mail your photo to
5. Shelf photos will be uploaded in facebook on May 16, 2010 for voting. Top three vote-getters will win the following prizes:

1st prize: P5,000 worth of books of your choice
2nd prize: P3,000 worth of books of your choice
3rd prize: P2,000 worth of books of your choice

Winners' shelves will also be recreated in-store and will be exhibited starting June 1, 2010.

Claiming of prizes:

1. To claim their prizes, winners will have to proceed to Powerbooks Greenbelt 4 and present a valid ID.
2. Winners will sign a waiver allowing Powerbooks to use their photos for PR purposes.
3. An e-mail will be sent to the winners instructing them how and when to claim their prizes.
4. The books chosen by the winners will be given to them for FREE provided that these terms are met:
The winners must personally claim the prize.
Only books that are available in the store are included.
Should the cost exceed the prize amount indicated, the excess amount will be shouldered by the winners.
The prizes are non-transferable and not convertible to cash.

Reminders to Voters

Here's to a new Philippine Automated Election May 8 2010 Precint Finder and Reminders by Budjette Tan...

Reminders to Voters

Here are some helpful reminders to remember on Election Day. Please take a few minutes to read it and share with your family and friends.

Know your precinct number before the actual election. Ask your local Comelec or go to Comelec's Precinct Finder athttp://www.comelec. inder/precinctfi nder.aspx..(It really works but I guessit's slower now after only a day to vote)

Prepare your codigo. Prepare a list of candidates of choice before going to your precinct to make the voting process faster.

Polls open at exactly 7:00am on May 10 and close at 6:00 pm. Try to be there before opening in case there’s a line. Remember since automated election is new, you should expect a lot of confusion and longer voting time so VOTE EARLY.

Make a visual inspection of the ballot provided by the Board of Election Inspector (BEI). Make sure the ballot is clean and free of marks before accepting it from the BEI. Do not accept ballots with marks or dirt because the PCOS machines may be unable to read them. You get ONE CHANCE to ask for a change of ballot.

Use only the pen provided by the BEI in shading.

Make sure you fully shade the ovals, or the machine might reject your ballot for having "ambiguous marks." DO NOT check, line, cross, dot or half-shade. Make an effort to shade within the outline of the oval.

Do not over-vote, otherwise the PCOS machine will not read the votes for that position. Vote only for the number of candidates allowed per position. The allowable number will be stipulated in your ballot. You may, however, vote for less than the required number.

Do not fold the ballot.

Only one ballot per voter. You will not be given another ballot if you make a mistake while voting.

Your ballot will only be read by one specific PCOS Unit to which it was pre-registered. Make sure you line up at the correct machine.

You get FOUR tries to feed the ballot through the PCOS Unit. You can put it in forward, backward, right side up or back side up so relax and make sure you get the ballot through in four tries.

After inserting your ballot into the PCOS Unit, wait for the read out to see if your ballot was successfully scanned. It should read: "Congratulations! Your ballot has been scanned."

If a precinct runs out of ballots, a voter can still cast his vote in the next nearest precinct. The BEI should accompany the voter after giving the latter a certification.

Only the BEI can hand out ballots. Not even local officials, Comelec personnel and Smartmatic technicians can interfere. Also, no one should tinker with the PCOS machines during voting time.

Voters should makes sure they sign the voters’ list at the start, and have their fingernail marked with indelible ink at the end. This is one safeguard against "flying voters".

Make sure you affix your signature and thumbprints in the necessary forms.

At the end of the voting period, the PCOS Unit will print out the vote count on a paper, similar to a cash register receipt. The print out will be put in a sealed box and sent to Comelec for proper disposition. The machine will also count the number of voters based on ballots inserted into each PCOS Unit. Make sure to watch the screen for voter count as well as other important messages it may display.

The allotted voting time is from 7am to 6pm. Voters who are within 30 meters from the precinct or are still in line after 6pm can still vote. They should have their names listed down by the BEI. Voting should continue until everyone within 30 meters of the precinct or in line has voted.

Armed police, military, para-military forces, security guards, barangay officials, armed goons and supporters of politicians who are campaigning are barred from the polling precinct. The BEI should send them out.

Check your precinct and confirmed registration here.

THEN and NOW 2010


I am part of the THEN and is still humming their music NOW...

The THEN AND NOW Massive Music Festival 2010 featuring JoJo, Frankie J, Baby Bash, Diana King, SWV, P.M. Dawn,All-4-One and V Factory happens on a Saturday, May 15, at the SM Mall of Asia Concert Grounds. Tickets are available at Ticketnet and Ticketworld outlets.

The THEN AND NOW Massive Music Festival 2010 is a production of Divan Media.
http://www.thenandn owconcert. com

1st Bio:Fiction Science, Art & Filmfestival, Vienna

The 1st Bio:Fiction Science, Art & Filmfestival aims at attracting public awareness to synthetic biology and its ramifications for our daily life in the future.

Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new biological systems not found in nature. Synthetic biology aims at creating new forms of life for practical purposes. By applying engineering principles to biology scientists will be able to design life forms much different from breeding or traditional genetic engineering.

We want to encourage filmmakers to share their cinematic visions of a present or future society shaped by synthetic biology. What is your view on a world living with synthetic life forms? Your approach is up to you - the filmmaker, scientists or artist - the entries can be on science, fiction, or science fiction. We welcome regular short film, animation or documentary film. The main criteria is that synthetic biology has to be reflected somehow in the work, but how you do it is up to you.

Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

Bio:Fiction Award – Short Fiction
Bio:Fiction Award – Documentary Film
Bio:Fiction Award - Animation
Online-Audience Award
Special Award of the Jury
(the prize money in each category will be announced soon)

On you will find more useful and inspiring information on synthetic biology, the entry form and the regulations of the filmfestival.
The nominated films will be presented in public at the festival event in Vienna, Austria, in May 2011. Finally, a Bio:Fiction Award ceremony will build the highlight of the festival.

The deadline for film entries is the 15th of July 2010
There is no entry fee for submitting films.

Best wishes,
the Bio:Fiction team

Markus Schmidt
Albert Beckmann
Camillo Meinhart

Mother's Day

I only have a few lines to tell...
Mother's Day should be celebrated by mothers with their children. So to the fathers, make tons of ways to let your children be a day closer to their mothers for this only happens once a year for God's sake.

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