Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Lunar Baby Thermometer


Remember when your moms would come in your room and check up on you when you were sick? I do, and the very thing I would always look out for was when she would put here hand on my forehead. No medicine in the world could match that. When my mother does that I feel the fever leaving me that instant. Really!!!

That's the fondest memories of my childhood. Now that I’m a parent I’d like my kids to experience that same feeling. I’m sure it is also heavenly for them.

Parents today now have an option, via a concept design from Yanko Design called the Lunar Baby Thermometer.

Lunar Baby Thermometer -

The idea is based on a common and natural behavior of putting your hand on the forehead to measure internal heat of their body. Checking the temperature by scanning the forehead with this device is easier and faster, since it eliminates the need to insert an external tool while holding them in a still position. The intuitive shape of the device allows the user to easily understand how to hold and use the device. The organic and ergonomic shape provides a secure grasp in the users hand.

It’s real simple to use, as you can see all it takes is to place the device between two fingers. A beeping sound and a flashing red LED light will notify you when the reading is done.

Now I know there are other temperature measuring devices out that uses technology, just like the ones in doctors’ offices where it is inserted in-ear. That is a little expensive though. I’m sure the Lunar Baby Thermometer would be priced (if it ever makes it to the assembly line) for consumers well.

Whats for Breakfast?


A quick fix breakfast meal for your Kids

After a night’s sleep you need fuel—a good breakfast to prepare you for the day ahead. Foods high in carbohydrates, such as cereals and bread, are ideal breakfast foods because they are broken down into glucose which fuels your brain. Protein foods such as yogurt, milk, eggs, sausages, bacon, and beans are important, too. They control the growth and development of the body, and boost alertness. There are lots of tasty recipes in this section, but these ideas will get you started.

Boiled EggBoiled Egg -

Half-fill a small saucepan with water. Gently lower an egg into the pan and bring the water to a boil. Boil the egg for 4 minutes, then remove it with a slotted spoon. Dip it in cold water and place it in an egg cup. Carefully slice the top off the egg and serve with toast.

OatmealOatmeal -

Put 1 cup oats in a saucepan with 1⅓ cups milk and 1 cup water. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer, stirring, for about 4 minutes or until creamy

Cooked BreakfastSausage for Breakfast -

Treat yourself to a cooked breakfast once in a while, but grill instead of fry it. Use lean meat or vegetarian sausages and add grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, whole wheat toast, and scrambled eggs for a balanced breakfast and smooth.

Poached EggPoached Egg -

Fill a pan with water (about 2in/5cm deep) and bring it to a simmer. Crack an egg into a cup. Swirl the water in the pan and then gently pour the egg into the center of the pan. Cook for 3 minutes or until the white is set and the yolk is slightly runny. Scoop out using a slotted spoon and serve with whole wheat toast.

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Momma & Sons.