Thursday, March 27, 2025

What is melamine?


Twice Chinese food and drugs have been found to contain melamine. First imported pet food containing melamine caused fatal renal failure in several thousand dogs and cats in the United States,

then baby formula containing melamine sickened over 53,000 Chinese infants and killed at least four. What is melamine, why is it in food made in China, and how can you protect yourself from it?

What is melamine?

Melamine is a versatile and common chemical used to create plastics, concrete, ink colorants, and fertilizer. Melamine is also useful in synthesizing medicine for African trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, and was formerly used as a nitrogen supplement to dairy cows' diets. In these forms it is harmless, even beneficial.

On its own, melamine is essentially nontoxic. It is not a valuable additive to the human diet, but does not cause any harm. However, when combined with cyanuric acid—another essentially nontoxic food adulterant—melamine causes crystals to form in the urine, creating kidney stones that can lead to renal failure and death.

Why is it in food made in China?

Middlemen in the Chinese food industry are under pressure to produce enough food for an expanding market while keeping prices low. To stretch their food supply, unscrupulous middlement water down or thin out the food, then pour in additives to increase the apparent protein content of the food to acceptable levels. (The tests of protein content measure nitrogen levels, not protein.) One popular additive is melamine. Another, tragically, is cyanuric acid.

So far, Chinese-manufactured dairy products, wheat flour, wheat gluten, and rice protein have been found to contain melamine and cyanuric acid. Because both additives are common adulterants, it is unknown how many other Chinese-manufactured foods contain both melamine and cyanuric acid.

What are the symptoms of melamine poisoning?

Kidney stones are the sole symptom of melamine poisoning. The body can pass small kidney stones without difficulty, but large stones can become caught in the urinary tract. This causes severe pain, cramping, and difficulty in urinating. There may be blood in the urine, and the person may feel a burning sensation when they urinate. The person may also feel general symptoms of unwellness: nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills.

If you have any of these symptoms, go to the doctor immediately! Kidney stones are relatively easy to treat, but they can lead to dangerous, even life-threatening, urinary tract infections and can damage or destroy the kidney.

How can I avoid ingesting melamine?

Throw out any food you own that was made in China before September 2008, and consider avoiding all Chinese food products until your country's board of food purity certifies Chinese imports as safe. The Chinese government claims that food purity controls are being tightened, but repeated incidents with a variety of food adulterants--and coverups by the Chinese government--suggest that the Chinese food supply currently cannot be trusted.

What should I do if I think I've ingested melamine?

Stop eating any foods that you suspect to be adulterated. If you believe you have been exposed for an extended period of time (say, several weeks), go to your doctor to be tested for kidney stones. If your exposure was shorter, don't worry! It takes several weeks, and sometimes as long as six months, for melamine-induced kidney stones to develop, so shorter exposure should not be a problem. Drink lots of water to flush the melamine from your system, and rest easy.

List of Milk Products Safe From Melamine


The Department of Health already released the partial list of milk products that are safe from melamine. From the 30 milk products they tested, only two are positive: Greenfood Yili Fresh Milk and Mengiu Drink.

The following is the partial list of milk products that are safe from melamine:

  • Anchor Lite Milk
  • Anlene High Calcium, Low Fat Milk
  • Bear Brand Instant
  • Chic Choc Milk Chocolate
  • Farmland Skim Milk
  • Jinwei Drink
  • Jolly Cow Pure Fresh Milk
  • Kiddie Soya Milk Egg Delight
  • Lactogen 1 DHA Infant Formula
  • M&M Milk Chocolate Candy
  • M&M Peanut Chocolate Candy
  • Milk Boy
  • Nestagen 2 DHA Follow-up Formula
  • Nestagen 3 DHA Follow-up Formula
  • Nido 3 Plus Pre-bio with DHA
  • Nido Full Cream Milk Powder
  • Nido Junior
  • No Sugar Chocolate of Isomalt 2 Oligosaccharide (cocoa butter substitute)
  • Nutri Express Milk Drink
  • Pura Fresh Milk
  • Snickers (roasted in caramel nogut in thick milk Chocolate)
  • Vitasoy Soya Milk Drink
  • Wahaha Orange
  • Wahaha Yellow
  • Want Want Milk Drink
  • Windmill Skim Milk Powder
  • Yinlu Milk Peanut
  • Yogi Yogurt Flavor Milk Drink

I’ll update this list once they release the full list.

Source: GMA News

Update: October 8, 2008, In a news conference, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said traces of melamine were found in Jolly Cow Slender High-Calcium Low-Fat Milk (“More Calcium and Vitamin D, 1 liter” variant) a product imported from China. Among many others, the melamine-free brands include:

  • Anmum Maternal Milk Chocolate Powder
  • Bear Brand Chocolate Powder
  • Bear Brand Sterilized Milk
  • Cadbury Choclairs
  • Carnation Calcum Plus Non-fat Milk Poweder
  • Klim Instant Full Cream Milk Powder
  • Milo Chocolate Bar
  • Mon-milk Breakfast Milk Beverage
  • Monmilk Hi-calcuim Low-fat Milk
  • Monmilk Milk Deluxe Pure Milk
  • Nestlé Chocolate Flavored Ice Cream
  • Nestlé Dairy Farm Pure Milk
  • Nestlé Fresh Mlk
  • Nestlé Kit Kat
  • Nestlé Milk Chocolate
  • Nestlé Pops Ice Cream
  • Nestlé Vanilla Flavored Ice Cream
  • Nestagen
  • Nesvita Cereal Mik Drink
  • Nutriexpress Milk Green Apple flavor
  • Fine Roast Instant Nutritious Cereal

Source: GMA News

Update: October 13, 2008, Here’s another list of products tested safe from Melamine as released by BFAD.

  • Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink (Mango Magic)
  • Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink (Orange Chill)
  • Anchor Wam Froot Milk Drink (Strawberry Spin)
  • Arla Full Cream Milk (repacked)
  • Austria Milk Candies
  • Candyman White Rabbit Butter Toffee Candy
  • Cottage Milk Sweet Cream Butter Milk
  • Crisp Bean Chocolate
  • Crisp Chocolate Stone
  • Dairy America Milk Powder (repacked)
  • Dairy Kreem Skimmed Milk Powder
  • Dong Guan Bairong Coconut Biscuits
  • Farmland Milk Powder
  • Kiddie Soya Milk Egg Delight
  • La Crema (Puregold) Skimmed Milk Powder (original)
  • La Crema (Puregold) Skimmed Milk Powder (regular)
  • Magic Chew Grape Fruit Sharing
  • Milk Drink in Red Can
  • Oakland Skimmed Milk Power
  • Showa Tempura Batter Mix




Melamine is an organic compound that is often combined with formaldehyde to produce melamine resin, a synthetic polymer which is fire resistant and heat tolerant. Melamine resin is a very versatile material with a highly stable structure. Uses for melamine include whiteboards, floor tiles, kitchenware, fire retardant fabrics, and commercial filters. Melamine can be easily molded while warm, but will set into a fixed form. This property makes it ideally suited to certain industrial applications.

Melamine resin is manufactured by mixing urea with formaldehyde under heat and pressure. The substances begin to polymerize and are forced into a mold which will create the desired shape. Under pressure, melamine releases water, which could make the plastic unstable if it is not removed. The materials finish polymerizing and create a finished product, melamine resin.

Melamine resin is known as a thermoset plastic, because the plastic is fixed after molding. If exposed to enough heat, melamine will melt. For this reason, melamine dishware should not be exposed to high temperatures like those in the oven and microwave. However, the plastic is able to withstand higher temperatures than other plastics. Because it is a thermoset plastic, melamine resin is difficult to recycle.

Melamine can be made into a foam product. Melamine foam has a distinctive structure composed of stacked bubble shapes, which are extremely hard and therefore can easily clean a wide variety of substances. Melamine foam is marketed under a variety of commercial names including Magic Eraser, a cleaning tool well known for removing scuffs and dirt from a wide range of surfaces.

Melamine resin is used in Formica and similar construction products made from composite materials. Formica is made using melamine resin, which is used to coat the fibers in the upper layer of the construction product. The melamine resin makes the end result heat resistant, so that hot objects can be set on the counter without concern. The surface of the material is designed to be easily wiped and cleaned, creating a long lived household product.

Melamine also plays a role in a wide range of flame resistant materials. These include textiles used in upholstery and the uniforms worn by firemen. Thermal liners, heat resistant gloves, and aprons to protect from splashback of hot substances are made using melamine. Melamine will protect a wearer from heat hazards, and will help to resist the spread of fire in aircraft and buses by providing a fire blocker.

Melamine is also used in the manufacture of some filters. The material is porous and will admit substances to pass through, but can be used to filter out particles of a particular size. Melamine filters are capable of handling a high capacity and can be used in hot environments due to the heat resistance of melamine. Melamine filters are also extremely efficient.

Aside from common commercial uses, melamine became a topic of much discussion in early 2007, when veterinary scientists determined it to be the cause of hundreds of pet deaths, because of pet food contamination. Prior to these reports, melamine had been regarded as non-toxic or minimally toxic. However, because of the unexplained presence of melamine in wheat gluten added to mass-produced dog and cat foods, it is the most likely cause. Pet owners report symptoms that are commonly associated with renal failure, which could be explained by the ammonia that may result from the digestion of the melamine.

PC Cheats: Tomb Raider - Legend


Tomb Raider: Legend

Game Description

Tomb Raider: Legend revives the athletic, intelligent and entertaining adventurer who won the hearts and minds of gamers worldwide. Lara comes alive with intricately animated expressions, moves and abilities. An arsenal of modern equipment, such as a magnetic grappling device, binoculars, frag grenades, personal lighting device and communications equipment, allows gamers to experience tomb raiding as never before.


Time Trial Shortcut

Do the last time trial in Bolivia against the final boss first. This lets you use the one-hit death cheat, which makes it so much easier to complete the rest of the game.

Cheats appear in the Specials menu and the buttons are respective to your version of the game. Cheats are unlocked when you clear the game or meet these criteria:


  • Textureless Cheat ... Clear the game (any difficulty).
  • Show enemy health ... Clear Bolivia under 12:30 in Time Trials.
  • Infinite MG415 Ammo ... Clear Peru under 21:30 in Time Trials.
  • Infinite RC650 Ammo ... Clear Japan under 12:15 in Time Trials.
  • Infinite shotgun Ammo ... Clear Ghana under 20:00 in Time Trials.
  • Infinite grenade launcher ... Clear Kazakhstan under 27:10 in Time Trials.
  • Bulletproof Lara ... clear England under 27:00 in Time Trials.
  • One hit deaths ... Clear Bolivia (stage 8) under 4:15 in Time Trials.
  • Unlock Excalibur ... Clear Nepal under 13:40 in Time Trials.
  • Unlock the Soul Reaver ... Clear the game and complete all time trials.

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